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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

DIGITAL GOLD: The Future Of Gold with Blockchain Technology

The Digital Gold ventures use the Ethereum blockchain innovation to give fairness, straightforwardness, security, and unchanging nature with an additional preferred position of full resources liquidity since the Gold Token is in line to one gram of Gold saved in BullionStar's protected and guaranteed Vault. The transparency got from the blockchain innovation takes into account live inspecting usefulness which clients can likewise check if the numbers are in accordance with one another or relates.

Digital Gold project aims to further progress and advance the use and influence of blockchain innovation for the tokenization of the world's assets. Digital Gold additionally speaks to a blockchain-based undertaking that enables clients to buy, store, and sell coverage in physical Gold through the Ethereum Blockchain ERC-20 GOLD Token innovation. GOLD Token is likewise legitimately pegged to the gold spot value, in this way every coin brings client inclusion for one gram of vault-saved 99.99% FINE Gold. The stablecoin additionally helps and secure clients against cryptographic market instability/volatility.


Digital Gold plans to guarantee that both speculators and investors appreciate unmistakable highlights and advantages without fail. Digital Gold's fundamental highlights incorporate, yet not restricted to:

  • Portfolio Diversification and Storage of Wealth: Gold has been believed to be a technique for riches storage, in this way used by individuals all through the entire world for a long time. It is inert that Gold speaks to a decent method to diversify wealth portfolio.

  • Secure and Private Gold Ownership: Blockchain innovation has been seen and viewed as the most verified method for saving digital worth. In this manner the Gold task has mulled over that since the Ethereum Blockchain innovation gives transparency and most extreme security. Digital Gold in like manner gives a private Gold proprietorship experience as clients don’t need to have the experience of either worrying of submitting individual data like KYC.

  • Minimal Effort With No Extra Transfer Fee: Digital Gold does not charge exchange expense when sending Gold Token and are likewise subject to boundless transactions. In spite of the fact that clients possibly need to pay for gas expense when starting any exchange on the Ethereum blockchain.

  • Arrangement Of High Liquidity: Digital Gold LTD is in like manner a liquidity-provider thus clients or speculators don't have to stress themselves over market costs as clients are rest guaranteed that all tokens re always shrouded in physical Gold and available at rates nearer to the market costs.


Digital Gold has likewise thought of a digital Gold Marketplace where clients can productively and viably buy and sell Gold Token easily. The commercial center additionally has been made with a presentation information that demonstrates the present and most recent Gold spot value, price tag and recovery cost in either bitcoin or Ethereum.

The making of the Marketplace is to encourage all day, every day support for purchasing and selling of the Gold token. Clients can in like manner convert Gold Token to any digital money coins of their decision while the Marketplace guarantees that exchanges are done in a flash in a consistent manner through the Smart Contract.

The Gold Token can similarly be put away on various ERC-20 perfect wallet, for example, the Myetherwallet, Metamask, Guarda, Ledger Nano S and Trezor.

The Digital Gold project is being handled by good team with diverse knowledge about blockchain technology and has proven to come up with good idea in making sure the roadmap is being followed.

For more information about the project visit:

Website: https://gold.storage/

Whitepaper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544

Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin

Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/golderc20

Bitcointalk username: Oyetunde1
Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1194023;sa=summary

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