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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Digital Gold is the main way to protect your interest in steadiness of physical gold with speed, security, and minimal effort. This winds up conceivable with the advancement of blockchain and cryptographic currency. This platformis joining blockchain and physical item (gold).

The Digital Gold is the best, helpful, and secure approach to invest into physical gold utilizing GOLD token.

Gold is one of the most valuable assets on the outside of the earth and it was perceived as a methods for investors to save and secure their riches against monetary battle. A portion of the budgetary battle am discussing are:

  • Inflation
  • Currency vacillation
  • Market breakdown
  • Monetary strategy
  • Societal turmoil and so forth.

Since gold is costly to purchase, sell, store or move, Digital Gold is just the main sure way you will preserve and safe your riches and the dependability of physical gold. This is cost-effective and expedient.


Digital Gold is driving as far as security. The Digital Gold platform has joined forces with BullionStar to assist customer with storing their acquired physical gold. Digitally, the Gold token are store for the most part chilly stockpiling wallets supporting Erc-20 model. The platform previously suggested the kind of wallet you can store your token.
Instantly Transaction

In consents to ethereum blockchain, there is secure and expedient innovation that upgrade exchange to be executed in a split second. All occurs inside some second.

Zero Costs
Customers of the Digital Gold platform pays nothing for storing their gold transactions. This is a striking satisfactory of Digital Gold over the customary framework where individuals pay up to 7% for capacity administrations.

Ease of Trading
Through the Digital Gold platform marketplace, customers can without much of a stretch buy, sell, move and store gold.

GOLD token is a digital currency that depends on gram units of physical gold. The Gold token are sponsored by physical gold which are stored on Bullionstar vault storerooms. The GOLD token will fill in as the cash utilized for purchasing or selling according to units of physical gold at Bullion vault. The Gold token is an autonomous cash which does not depend on any administration arrangement for gold market. Gold token is a cryptographic money, so, a cash that is generally acknowledged. The GOLD token will offer a worldwide and borderless world cash framework which does not rely upon conversion scale varieties and control.

The client's subsidizes will be completely save as a gold which is very surprising from fragmentary hold banking framework. Saving of GOLD token will ensure it against money downgrading, cash expansion, and other financial components which do influence our ordinary fiat cash.

In the event that you need to put resources into gold, you can utilize Gold token which are supported by physical gold to buy, sell or store the valuable gold. The way toward purchasing and selling of gold will be done on a digital trade, which the Digital Gold stage effectively assembled a commercial center for it, and they likewise join forces with Cryptex Exchange which has recorded the GOLD token for exchanging. The Gold token is progressively similar to a private cash and isn't issued by governments.


  • GOLD token was based on ethereum blockchain and it tends to be stored in any Erc-20 perfect wallet.

  • GOLD token transactions can't be turn around i.e it is an irreversible exchanges. This essentially implies Gold token is likened to the conventional money framework.

  • GOLD token working expenses are low. It turns out to be so on the grounds that there is no incorporation of middle people or question expenses.

  • GOLD token transactions are in a split second; the system will probably deal with a great many exchanges for every second.


I urge everybody to exploit to preserve their wealth/riches and balance out their physical gold with Digital Gold. It is practical, quick and furthermore verified. The Gold token fills in as the cash for buying or selling of the gold through this platform. The Digital Gold marketplace will make it workable for customers to effectively purchase, sell or move their investment.

For more information about the project visit:

Website: https://gold.storage/

Whitepaper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544

Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin

Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/golderc20

Bitcointalk username: Oyetunde1

Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1194023;sa=summary

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