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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

HackenAI All in one cybersecurity security kit

HackenAI would like to introduce
HackenAI hello everyone this is the best app for us with this app giving us the heart of crypto or cryptocurrencies with the best apps for cryptocurrencies with lots of money small electronic fault in the exchange floor and you will lose money with HachkenAI application to help businesses and companies more stable and safe HACKENPROOF is a bug bonus platform that helps businesses protect technical assets their number,
Personal data of customers and their reputation through community security.
By combining a crowd, cybersecurity researchers (white hat hackers) with HackenProof
platform, we provide services that traditional network security companies cannot. Network security companies are typically limited by the size of their teams, as the amount of time and skills available is limited. A bug bounty platform solves this problem because of hundreds of security researchers
Product testing on an ongoing basis. This approach allows the holes to be more identified
effectively and thus prevent possible network threats.
The HackenProof platform brings together a large number of professional white hat hackers from all
worldwide, specializing in finding vulnerabilities in various technologies like web, mobile,
hardware / IoT and especially in Blockchain and smart contract applications.
At the core of the HackenProof platform is ethical cooperation among cybersecurity professionals
and IT companies are responsible for their product security. We guarantee to disclose the vulnerability responsibly and to coordinate and encourage white hat hackers to protect the modern
businesses Traditional network and blockchain security industry, as well as the immense amount of data and experience we have access to, we can identify issues that others will not encounter. We recognize that individuals who hold personal cryptocurrencies have become a prime target of the rapidly growing black-hat hack groups - in fact, many black-hat hackers are focusing on hacking cryptocurrencies with the most successful bug platform operating in the entire blockchain space, HackenProof, with our 2000 year strong white hacker community customers to ensure that their projects are safe, secure and secure. The most confidential and reliable in the present time
Legality of trading volume: Does the exchange have real buyers and sellers? Or mostly wash transactions?
Network security exchange: How secure is an exchange? How well are they protected against hacking and fraud efforts?
Ancillary trading analysis: To scientifically determine whether an exchange only acts as an independent exchange, or is it really related to creating a market, or even buying or selling a trade Catholic
Trusted blockchain protocols a lot of projects have made the decision to build their own blockchain protocols without the need for strong developers. This results in a large number of hacker attacks on weak protocols Unique on key network security topics including Account Management, Phishing Protection, Privacy and more. Serving as an introductory journey to HackenAI, users will learn how to stay safe and learn the basics needed for all things local and web security on the web.
Blockchain Security Consulting
From 2017-2019, Hacken performed 150+ security audits for blockchain companies, establishing it as a trusted partner and industry leader. Hacken also manages blockchain security industry
players cooperation through various public and private cybersecurity groups and communities.
Our professional team of consultants performs smart contract audits, DApp security reviews, and
blockchain protocol reviews in accordance with our internal methodology and industry best practices. Hacken provides security consulting services across multiple different blockchain protocols, including VeChainThor, Ethereum, Tron, EOS, and more.
Smart Contract Audit
The Hacken team analyzes smart contract functionality and administers necessary checks
against all known vulnerabilities. A security audit includes a manual codebase audit by Hacken
consultants, an automated tools security audit, and a brief analysis of the smart contracts functionality.
DApp Security Review
A decentralized application (DApp) operates its backend code on a decentralized peer-to-peer
Proof of Funds CERtificate
Trade volume has already been deemed an unreliable metric for cryptocurrency exchange’s ranking. Traders and Crypto projects are no longer using the trade volume metric while making
decisions on which exchange to choose.
Today the key metric for a trader is transparency of operations and mitigation insolvency risks for
The first step for industry maturity is to develop an accountability standard for exchanges to
report the balances of crypto that they are holding on their traders' behalf.
Proof of funds CERtificate is the first and leading initiative for hot and cold wallet’s data
1.2.5 Cyber School & White Hat community development
Cyber School is a training course for juniors/rookies to become middle-level cybersecurity
We transferred our experience from running a number of offline hacking events to create a cybersecurity training program, the most comprehensive one available in Eastern Europe. It runs for
five months and includes:
• High-level understanding of TCP/IP protocol and OSI Seven Layer Model
• Windows and/or Unix-based systems/architectures and related security,
LAN/WAN technologies
• Solid understanding of information technology and information security
White Hat Hackers Community Development
In 2017 and 2018, Hacken organized a global cybersecurity forum HackIT that gathers leading
companies and prominent names from the industry, as well as top ethical hackers.
In 2019, Hacken co-hosted Blockshow Asia 2019 in Singapore as a privacy and cybersecurity
partner. BlockShow one of the biggest conferences in the blockchain industry, considered by
many as a “flagship event”.
From 2019 and onwards, Hacken is supporting various cybersecurity conferences and white hat
community events with an essential focus on the Onsight Bug Bounty Marathon Hacken Cup.
About Hacken Cup
The Hacken Cup is a short timeframe bug bounty event custom-tailored to a client's needs.
Hacken brings together top white hat hackers to perform an onsite bug bounty marathon for
select clients. White hat hackers from all over the world look for vulnerabilities, immediately
reporting their findings on the spot. Triage teams validate reports allowing the security team is
able to tackle found issues right away

During the HKN generation event, Hacken received 252 BTC, 5,359 ETH and 1,240USD in
exchange for 4mln HKNs. Raised funds were released and converted on a monthly basis, according to development budgets. The average BTC conversion rate was $5,237 and $211 for ETH,
resulting in a $2.45 MM USD ecosystem development budget.
Hacken community and HKN holders are the key creators of the Hacken ecosystem. Hacken management and its team are very thankful for this opportunity to work on a lifetime project and
develop something inspiring
Song releases new tokens (NTI)
In addition to the token from HKN to HAI, an additional number of HAI will be minted and exchanged for BTC and VET, for the purpose of application development, business development, marketing, community building, bonuses for Hats. White, as well as small reserves. One major mistake we made in HKN's previous tokenomics is not to hold any more tokens in the Fund's reserves, with the aim of funding ongoing activities, but instead. , we have distributed all the tokens.
As mentioned before, at the time of this writing, all HKN holders will be rewarded for being loyal community members. Be part of this new effort and together we will lead the crypto security revolution.
The HAI token will have a total supply of 1 billion, with an initial circulating supply of less than 30% and our initial market cap will be kept relatively low with lockouts.
Posts viiets come here for more information below
WEBSITE: https://hacken.ai/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/hackenai
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/HackenAI
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/hackenai?lang=en
WHITEPAPER; https://hacken.ai/content/hackenai_whitepaper_v1.0.pdf
LITEPAPER ; https://hacken.ai/content/hackenai_litepaper_v1.0.pdf
Bitcointalkprofie: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2674052

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