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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

Welcome to the digital banking AXIO

Hello everyone today I will introduce you more about cryptocurrencies or cryptocurrencies with the current situation for everyone and now I will introduce to everyone about digital money with a digital bank. AXIO digital is a digital bank with AXIO bank for everyone to transact easily with AXIO you just need a phone and everyone can trade anytime anywhere with AXIO everyone be able to deposit and earn interest with AXIO loans as AXIO funds are licensed in the United States and legally Axio is a cryptocurrency component backed by the assets of a monetary system managed by the Axios Foundation. It is intended to be a confidentiality in the United States that will be enacted inside and outside the United States in accordance with applicable US laws and jurisdictions.
Axios Foundation.
The fund will be operated in a manner similar to a credit union, which is a financial cooperative
is controlled by its members and operates on the principle of people helping people. The fund will disburse
all of the outstanding profits from its operations in the form of interest payments to its members, thus effectively recycling interest rates.
payment back in circulation, allowing repayment of outstanding debts, preventing exponential growth
debt, and ensure the stability of the monetary system.
Block chain technology
Axio is a cryptocurrency backed by assets that will be issued by the Axios Foundation and will be held in
The account is managed by the Fund. All axios will be issued as Axio loans. Debt
will represent all axios in circulation. When a principal is paid, the axios include that payment
extinguish. The fund will record all lending activity in a blockchain that will be published as a record. Intended for
For example, when the Fund issues a loan to a borrower, loan information will be added to a ledger in one
form of a public blockchain and the amount of borrowed axios that will be released and shipped
Borrowers When the borrower makes a loan payment, the principal amount to be paid will be extinguished and all
This information will be recorded in the blockchain.

The blockchain record of lending operations will allow daily audit at the end of the day. In each reporting period, one
The independent auditor will be able to use this information to confirm that at the time of the audit, the total amount
outstanding loan is equal to the total number of axios in circulation. This arrangement will occupy
Alternative trading system (ATS)
To enable the use of Axio outside of the system, the Foundation intends to provide an SEC registration
Alternative trading system (ATS) to facilitate the conversion of currencies into fiat currencies. ATS will act as one
a subsidiary (or an associate) of the Fund to protect the company from conflicts of interest and risks
associated with investment activities.
ATS will provide Axio money brokerage services to investors trading on ATS. The
The broker will charge a transaction fee to make the transaction and will provide the service, including escrow account
That would allow investors to borrow axios to buy securities, maximizing the account-based margin
equity balance.
From the outset, Axio has been designed to improve over the present
monetary system. It is a revolutionary change, its purpose is to overcome the current system by providing
Previous interests cannot protect individuals and businesses. Here are some features of Axio chops:
Axio will be a security according to SEC regulations.
Axio will trade on the SEC-registered alternative trading system.
Axio will have a stable value.
Axio will be as easy to use as a credit card or payment application.
Low transaction costs will help Axio to have an advantage in all business transactions. Transactions will be made in real time.
Axios Foundation is a US corporation.
The Axios Foundation will pay interest on the deposits.
The Axios Foundation will provide a mechanism to resolve disputes.
Axios Foundation will support deposits and withdrawals in local currency.
Axios Foundation will support multiple payment methods in local currency.
Axio is a cryptocurrency backed by assets specifically designed to solve the problems of
Segmented reserve banks use blockchain technology and to create a stable monetary system. Axio will
provides many important features, including stable intrinsic value, interest payments, privacy, transparency,
secure ownership, free real-time transactions, international conversion and borderless conversion, a
various payment methods, free basic account services and legal framework. And not like most other
services, Axio will be a confidentiality under US law, with all implied advantages. More importantly, no
Existing cryptocurrencies - or legacy banking systems - may fit into these features.
With many of its advantages, Axio is positioned to become the dominant player in the creation race
Next generation monetary system. As such, it has great potential
Dispute resolution
Some business transactions cannot be made without a legal framework supported by some form of dispute resolution and the ability to reverse transactions due to errors, frauds, etc. Dispute resolution is an important component of any monetary system. To allow dispute resolution, transactions between Axio accounts will be reversed in whole or in part. To support the dispute resolution process, the Axios Foundation will comply with relevant court decisions and will also provide arbitration for a fee through a smart contract. The ability to resolve complaints will make Axio look like a legal tender issued by the government, which is something no other cryptocurrency can offer.
Provide security token
The securities provided in the company's STO are restricted stocks in the United States for a period of 1 year from the date of sale. Securities available for purchase by accredited U.S. investors, non-US investors, and institutional investors pursuant to Regulation D of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) , Rule 506 (c). If you are not sure whether you are a qualified investor in your country of residence, please seek legal advice before investing in this STO.

The Axio Axio Token, as originally provided at this STO, will not carry an internal mechanism for distribution payments or financial profits of any kind. The Axios Foundation hopes to convert the initially sold Tokens into one or more alternative tokens, culminating in Axio, which will operate on the company's undeveloped Platform.

Summary of gifts
Token name: Axio token
Token symbol: AXIO
Smart contracts: Etherscan.io
Total supply: 100,000,000
Quantity provided: 20,000,000 dollars
Minimum purchase: $ 1,000
Valuation of Axio tokens in USD
$ 0.55 per token for amount <10,000
$ 0.5 token per token for amounts ≥ 10,000 and <100,000
Token $ 0.45 per token with amount of ≥ 100,000 Token

The company expects to accept payments in BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC and USDC via Coinbase at the exchange rate based on the applicable quote later on Coinbase for the currency used in the purchase. For more information, please refer to Axio Token's Terms of Sale agreement.

To be announced

20% off bonus

To be announced

Soft hat: $ 5,000,000 USD
Amount provided: $ 20,000,000 USD

WEBSITE: https://axios.foundation/
WHITEPAPER: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KlFhTMHWWsYii2tM-yBfSZAVCADLDksj/view
PLANS: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yEcGMDiBO6SntVf1zhxefDxUNPukeVj9/view
BLOG: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yEcGMDiBO6SntVf1zhxefDxUNPukeVj9/view
TWITTER :https://twitter.com/AxiosFoundation
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/axios_foundation
Bitcointalkprofile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2674052
My proof of stake ID: GL4NWE

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