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Many individuals within the crypto currency globe have recently referenced the name FomoJackpot from DABANKING initiative and have even created significant controversy between organizations and forums. Whether or not FomoJackpot has tricked players, some individuals have questions? To answer the question, I wrote this study for your reference in order to help individuals have an overview before engaging. OK! Let's begin!

What FomoJackpot is all about?
FomoJackpot is a game of chance program that randomly selects the winner among the respondents. Like the traditional lottery match, computer sweepstake or more accepted one— Mega Millions — with incredible awards up to $1.6 million, FomoJackpot is also a lottery program. So what distinguishes Fomojackpot from others?
FomoJackpot creates a lottery program by combining smart contracts on the blockchain platform of Ethereum to generate a decentralized application (Dapp) with complete safety capabilities. Everything is totally transparent with the working system on the Blockchain platform. The source code is automatically opened and running, so no one has the right to interfere with the outcomes. People can inspect transaction and database data at any time, even with government agreements.
FomoJackpot rules are smartly set up, with distinct modifications in each participating period, producing Fomo impacts at all times, attracting a wide user community. Moreover, the mechanism of the award is selected randomly, there is no one who can interfere with it, and there are many appealing awards waiting for customers. FomoJackpot generates a fair and transparent playing field and provides possibilities for individuals to easily get large benefits.
What is the advantage of the makers of FomoJackpot?

Have you ever wondered that game designer invented a lot of free games for players, so what advantage do they get? I believe many people have the same question, now I will help to answer it! Do you know e-sport has become a potential billion-dollar industry and a market with great revenue?
When playing the game, players always want their character to stand out from the others and quickly have a stable position, and you 're willing to pay for it. Therefore, you spend your money on clothes, houses, weapons and other stuff for your character. This is really a great revenue source bringing huge profits to game developers.
• Prize Pool: 50%
• Instant Income: 20%
• Referral income: 17%
• Dividends: 10%
• New product development: 3%
In the structure of dividing proceeds from ticket sales, DABANKING spends 3% on developing new products. The more participants, the more chances to create new products. And of course, their target is not only developing the game FomoJackpot but also generating an entertainment platform including many other games.
When a large community  -useful source with interesting games   —   is built, this will be the platform which brings the opportunity to get huge and stable revenue.
FomoJackpot built on Blockchain's Dapp (Decentralized Application)

Dapps are decentralized applications, created by the combination of smart contracts that run on the Utility Blockchain. It is the decentralized mechanism that makes FomoJackpot more special than other traditional games, or Fomo 3D  —   a game used to be run on the Blockchain platform.
Dapps using open source code can operate automatically with no intermediaries, users' information data is encrypted and not controlled by any individuals or organizations. Unlike other traditional centralized management system, Dapps have opened up a new era when users' benefits are always respected.

Official following hashtags: #Dapps #DABANKING #FomoJackpot #Blockchain #ETH

Official links for more details,

Website Link : https://fomo.dabanking.io
Whitepaper Link : https://dabanking.io/static/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter Link : https://twitter.com/Dabanking_io
Telegram Link : https://t.me/DABANKINGOFFICIAL
ANN Threads Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5146671.new#new
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/dabanking.io
Medium Link: https://medium.com/@dabanking.io

My Bitcointalk Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1472403

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