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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

4New - Managing Waste With The Blockchain Technology

 4NEW is the only Waste to Energy treatment plant that will provide services across the entire supply chain of converting waste to energy. Therefore, 4NEW functions as a wholesaler of waste and energy. Most financial transactions that occur within this industry are limited to cash or credit card. However, by integrating the blockchain and direct ledger technology to architect a platform for this industry will lead to an exponential acceptance. This integration of the technology into the real world, tangible operations is what differentiates 4NEW from all other ICO’s currently prevalent. 

 The platform is a give-back-to the society concept! To explain the 4NEW model more precisely, the illustration below gives an insight. 

 The platform is built on the Blockchain technology with a view to reorganize the waste and energy industry for the benefits of both participants of the blockchain ecosystem and non-members to give everyone and anyone a sense of humanity. To get comprehensive details on the model adopted by the 4NEW Limited to solve outlined challenges; download ‘White Paper’ https://4new.co.uk/4new_whitepaper.pdf. The 4NEW solution will help bridge that gap for the blockchain network by setting up future plant sites in close proximity to urban centers where these data servers may be situated, thereby alleviating the burdens on the respective national electric grid.
The platform is built on four pillars. 4NEW Coin Limited- Provide “Coin as a Service” to industry peers, consumers and early adopters. Decentralized, open source blockchain integrated platform facilitating transactional exchange between Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C) and Consumer to Consumer (C2C) related to waste and energy markets. 

 4NEW Limited- Waste to Energy operating company.4NEW Smart Meter Limited- Smart Meter leasing and operating company.4NEW Assets Limited - Real estate asset holding company inclusive of property, plant and equipment. To find more about the four step model of the platform, access the platform’s website on https://4new.co.uk/.

The token used in the platform to transact, makes payments and regulate usage of electricity by households, industries and private users, is the 4NEW coins. Each 4NEW plant has a minimum annual capacity of approximately 40,000 tonnes per year of waste processing. Each ton generates roughly $110.00 in coin utilization for waste collection services. Additionally, processing 40,000 tonnes of waste per year would convert to approximately 104,000 MW/Yr of energy that can be sold for approximately $0.13 per KW in coin utilization. Both waste and energy require roughly $13,500,000.00 in coin utilization per annum per plant. To meet up corporate objectives of the platform, ICO is out for offer to allow participants take active part in the inherent benefit of the platform. 

 The above illustration shows the roadmap of the platform. 300, 000, 000 tokens have been created for total supply. One hundred million coins (100,000,000) are allocated to each plant site. If only one plant site is launched then the remainder two hundred million coins (200,000,000) will be placed in corporate treasury until such time as the management team is ready to acquire additional properties to build additional plants. The ICO is in four categories.
17thOctober to 23rd October, 2017 -1 ETH = 264 FRNC (55% BONUS COINS)
24th October to 31stOctober, 2017- 1 ETH = 242 FRNC (40% BONUS COINS)
1stNovember to 14thNovember, 2017-1 ETH = 220 FRNC (30% BONUS COINS)
15thNovember to December 15th, 2017-1 ETH = 170 FRNC.
To get more about the 4NEW coin offering, navigate to the token offer contained in the ‘White Paper’ at https://4new.co.uk/4new_whitepaper.pdf. I just got mine right away! Let’s help society get better in waste –to-energy conversion and provision!!


 For further information about 4NEW Limited ICO please visit: 

Official Website: https://4new.co.uk

Official Whitepaper: https://4new.co.uk/4new_whitepaper.pdf

ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2324618.msg23622544#msg23622544

My Bitcointalk profile:   Quemalrs https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1638981 

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с March 2018
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