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6 лет назад

How to get rich without gambling?

After a whole week of posts about gambling dapps and my attempts to emphasize that gambling is not an activity for investors or for earning huge profits; many want to know where they should invest their money.

Frankly, I ain't a rich person and haven't invested in Binary Options, Forex, Stocks or Mutual Funds ever. But still, I can tell you that these are much better alternatives to gambling.

However, if you're blindly investing or trading in Binary Options or Stocks then it is as good as gambling.

I know many people who start trading intra-day or invest their money for a short term in stocks, commodities or binary options with little or no knowledge of how it is done. Just working your way with some tips from so-called "experts" or friends is a bad idea to put your savings. Some people learn a bit of Technical Analysis or do their Fundamental Analysis based on some incomplete information and immediately decide to put their money into it.

Mark it, if you want to do trading, don't take it lightly as some part-time activity. You will need to acquire a deep knowledge for performing Technical Analysis along with Fundamental Analysis to arrive at the complete picture. Until you don't know about the complete picture, you can't get full confidence on your investment decision. Hence you can't be certain of the outcome.

Therefore, trading in these markets (including crypto market) should be left to professionals or it's almost like gambling. It's true that many professional analysts too fail several times in their predictions but despite that they can make a decent money out of it. I'll try to explain this in my next post.
Although this talk is delivered in Indian context, it applies to all economies.

May be, you don't get as rich as Warren Buffett, but what if you get only half as rich as him? Would it be acceptable to you? How about being 10 times poorer than Buffett?

Well, affluence is relative and subjective too. You may think you are still poorer than Buffett but many people will love to be that much "poor" too. It depends on your own perception and aspirations.

How much rich do you really want to get?
So, in my opinion, the only thing left to common people is to make a long term investment in some very reliable asset classes. But what if we made a wrong decision in choosing that asset classes? Won't our whole life will get ruined?

I hear you. So here I'm sharing a short TEDx video in which a certified analyst Mr. Varun Malhotra breaks down the secret to become rich with long term investing. You don't need to know anything about the economy or the project to invest your money. What you should know is how it's easy to become a Warren Buffet kind of rich without learning any Technical Analysis or economic fundamentals.

Watch this 18 min video for an easy way to get extremely rich in your lifetime:

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На Golos с September 2018
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