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The Usechain Project Review


The discovery and development of Blockchain technology will probably go down as one of the top inventions of the century. There are thousands of new possibilities and opportunities that Blockchain has created and it seems like every other day there is a new startup. Disruptive technologies have been dubbed as the future and it seems like everyone is trying to get a piece of the pie. One new promising enterprise based on the Blockchain technology is Usechain.

Usechain can be summed up as an ecosystem which will be a mirror identity of Blockchain. This means Usechain will be a public Blockchain built using Mirror Identity Protocol technology and other different technologies and system design which are integrated into the system. This exciting development will help to remove some Blockchain limitations as well as provide the infrastructure for the decentralized world of the future among many other benefits. Usechain will also support Decentralized Applications in the future stages of development.

Usechain Innovations

Although Blockchain has led to a world of unlimited possibilities, the technology is still not perfect. Usechain hopes to better Blockchain in the following departments:

  1. Performance

In the future it is expected that more people will join the decentralized markets. To compete with the conventional markets you need the infrastructure and unfortunately this is currently lacking. Popular Blockchain networks such as Ethereum and Blockchain for example, can only allow 25 and 7 transactions per seconds respectively. These numbers are far low compared to those of established centralized institutions like VISA. Usechain will allow thousands of transactions per second which will provide competition to the centralized platforms.

  1. Anonymity

One of the biggest criticisms of cryptocurrencies and the whole blockchain platform has been the lack of user identity. This has made cryptocurrencies the target of criminals and their criminal activities such as money laundering and drug trafficking. Usechain will address this issue by creating a link between the in-chain and off-chain identities based on KYC and AML standards. This will make Usechain more acceptable and usable in daily life activities.

  1. Complicated Technicalities

The technicalities mainly applies to the development of DApps on Blockchain networks. Creating DApps on the current Blockchain requires multidisciplinary knowledge and extensive which is a combination that is even hard to find in the developers' world. Usechain will create a platform that will be simple and encourage more users and developers to join. This will be done through things such as smart contracts and flexible application controls.

  1. Power Consumption

It is a known fact on how running Blockchain networks can be an expensive task due to the high power costs and the large amounts of electricity required. Usechain will mitigate the high power consumption through a myriad of technologies such as identity mapping. This will in turn make it cheaper to mine cryptocurrencies which will reel in more people.

Usechain ICO

The official Usechain token is named UST. The UST token is based on ERC20 token standard. It is projected that when Usechain users increase, the tokens will be replaced by UST coins. The total number of UST tokens to be released will be a whooping 20 billion. About 45% of these tokens will be up for sale to investors. Other areas which will get huge allocations are Community Rewards, Core Team and Technical Community Rewards which will get 20%, 15% and 15% respectively.

The ICO will be conducted on the first quarter of 2018 according to Usechain's road-map. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the only two accepted modes of payment.

The Usechain platform is precedented to receive massive support from other established companies from different industries and it is this support that will contribute to the exponential growth of Usechain. Usechain also has people with years of experience and success at various related industries at the helm. These experienced managers and a wholesome board of advisors will provide investors with confidence regarding Usechain's future. Usechain has also been featured in various major news outlets such as Yahoo and the Wall Street Journal' s "Market Watch feature which shows the credibility, promise and expectations of the Usechain project.

This is an ambitious and exciting venture that might just change the decentralized markets. This is one project that every analyst, investor and any other stakeholder will be keeping an eye on.

You can learn more about Usechain at:

Website: https://www.usechain.net/
Whitepaper: http://www.usechain.net/usechain_en.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/usechaingroup
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3432061.0

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