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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Vanig and How It Could Redefine Ecommerce

The world of blockchain technology is evolving quite fast and each day new developments are taking place. Vanig is one such blockchain technology based startup which offers quite a bit to its stakeholders and therefore it would be interesting to know more about it. It is considered to be a path breaking technology because of a number of reasons. It has one of the most advanced blockchain ecosystems. This allows each and every stakeholder in the entire supply chain to have access to direct communication. Further there are other advantages too which one must bear in mind. One such advantage is that the data is symmetrically distributed and therefore the recall process is much shorter and more efficient.

Why It Could Stand Apart

Because of the reasons mentioned above, it could be quite useful when it comes to redefining ecommerce buying and selling. Middlemen are completely removed and this has its own advantages. It makes the end product competitive. Further security of transactions is also enhanced quite a bit. This is mainly because of peer-to-peer contacts and the elimination of middlemen. Further when you choose Vanig as the platform you also gain access to external feeds. It could be in the form of data oracles and various other trackers. This is done with the help of the relevant APIs. This goes a long way in helping real time tracking. Further it also is one of the few platforms where you can get updated information on fraudulent and defective products. You also will be able to get product listings on a single click from different ecommerce stores. The most efficient CSV file bulk upload, therefore is possible.

Quick Facts About ICO Token

The Name Of The Token: VANIG

Price Of Token: 0.0001 Token against 1 Indonesia Rupee

Total Tokens To Be Issued: 225 million token.

Hard Cap – 20 million

Anyone who is a part of the system would be in a position to aspire owning of these valuable token. The token distribution is quite honest and transparent. 63% of token sale would be up for grabs by the public. Teams would be set apart 15% of the tokens. Rewards and incentives would account for 12% of the tokens. Vanig also has an interesting bounty and referral program and 5% of tokens have been set apart for them. Partner and advisors will have the right to own 3% of the token and the legal team would be given 2%.

The funds generated from the token sale would also be divided quite scientifically and logically. 30% would be for marketing & sales, while another 30% would be for the purpose of business operations and business development. Admin and operations would be allocated 20% of the funds. 10% would be earmarked for research and development and 10% for the purpose of advisory and legal expenditure.


Any startup would be as good as its team. Hence when you look up the site, you will be able to know more about the team. We will look at some important members of the team:

Prem Sankaran and Vinodh K. R, Co-Founders.Dan Ramirez, CEO.Philip Abraham, Chief Strategy OfficerDon Quartiere, Chief Solutions ArchitectGeofrey Rainey, Chief Technical OfficerLars Lima , Chief Commercial Officer

Visit the website https://vanig.io to know more about the startup and other information pertaining to token sale.
Whitepaper: https://vanig.io/latest-whitepaper
Telegram: https://t.me/VanigPlatform
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanigplatform
Facebook: https://facebook.com/vanigplatform

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