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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


The current challenges faced in the Energy/Power Sector if care is not taken, and if proper, timely measures are not put in place, humanity will soon go extinct. Considering the way resources and gifts of nature are being consumed, how careless we have been at meeting our need/wants without planning for regeneration, and how we have been ignorant of negative effects (possible) in the future, the world of humankind is on a path of impingement and will cease to exist unless we acknowledge and accept certain approach. We must plan to compensate for damages our negligence and ignorance have caused and counterbalance our high rate of resources and energy use with a sustainable lifecycle of natural renewal.

This is inarguably very important, for the sake of morality, moderateness and our continued existence. However, getting this balance is very difficult and challenging as well. The basic and obvious challenges are highlighted below:

Presently, we don’t have sufficient tools or methods to ascertain, annul the anthropogenic effects of human activities/consumption on nature; ‘till now. Nevertheless, Block-chain technology is perceived to have the ability to utterly change the world’s weak, unsustainable economic model.
The Power/Energy Sector is facing a transitive movement from a unified structure to a decentralized one.
A substantial amount of what is being generated as renewable is being lost/wasted due to long distance transmissions
There is a general struggle by electrical power providers in balancing the amount of electricity generated and consumers’ need for it.
The Energy/Power market currently is devoid of openness and the impetus required for proper control of energy/power usage. This eventually leads to users paying high rates.
Standards and Regulations are complex and sometimes over the mark.
The energy/power sector is being negatively affected by monopolies globally
Lack of necessary simple understanding of opportunities that are open in this sector.
The Solution: Serenity Block-chain Network (Platform)

To proffer satisfactory solutions to various challenges currently being faced by the Energy/Power Sector, Serenity Source Pty Limited has introduced the Serenity Block-chain Platform. Block-chain technology could greatly revolutionize this sector.

This Platform, via block-chain, will provide transparency/openness and privilege to control to end users and offer ‘smile-causing’ remedy for people that have been forgotten by the common traditional systems.

How serenity intends to solve these problems is highlighted as follows:

Establishing Relationship with National/public Electricity Operators
Well-addressed decentralization: energy generated locally will be transacted and also used locally or just nearby.
Ensuring short-distance transmissions
Ensuring low cost trading using block-chain and Smart contracts
Rewarding of sustainable electricity generation: this platform plans to reward sustainable electricity generation by the giving out Carbon credits to qualified members.
Security, Safety & Immutability: via smart contracts.
Seamless transactions: via blockchain
Creation of Serenity Net-Zero energy-control platforms
The Serenity Financial Model/Plan (feasibility report)

Of course, whatever business model/plan that Serenity has in mind will match Serenity’s Vision and idea of a distributed economy.

According to Serenity, they want to achieve a serene world, such that all household is able to produce forms of energy that can be renewed or that possesses a source of supply that is continuous or has the ability to re-grow. This means every family or individual residential building becomes a small-sized apparatus that generates electricity while it is being linked to various distribution substations. The households become part a distributed community and their involvement in the generation and sharing of electricity is translated into money via rewards from the main electrical Retailers.

To achieve this vision:

Generation of Sustainable Energy (Renewable)
Cheap Retail-trading Services
Sales of Residential Property and Rental Income
Monetization of Carbon Credits
HEPEK Smart Devices/machines Sales and Lease
Serenity Network Transactions payments
International Affiliates Licensing
Building of Net-zero Property
Interests on Capital Backing ERGON Tokens
Cost minimization and Profit Maximization via smart contract and block-chain
We all know the high effect of carbon to health and we have heard about Greenhouse activities which has to do with burning if fossils fuel, coal and natural gas and other toxics which are so dangerous to health as it contains gas emission which is hazardous to man and crops too, how can man run away from these issues of life as what we look out for his how to put food of the table not minding the health effect caused by our activities.

Can this so called industries harm man and still limit the cost of energy charges? This is absolutely false, we are harmed by the activities and we still pay huge amount to have the  electricity. I could remember vividly paying light bill monthly at a high cost and still so not have to enjoy the light as appears off and on. Best is to look out for way out and SERENITY is here to enhance and limit the light effect global

The serenity token (SET) is an ERC20 protocol structured the aid payment. It is desiged to be used as a means of payment for energy transaction so with this token, transaction will not be an issue and payment would be swiftly done.

The intentions of establishing this platform token is to enhance and have the best possible means of bring this incredible vision to a reality. And also, the decentralized system will enable this platform to provide a clear transparency, affordable, accessible energy and Improve users trust within the system. All these can only be achieved by the use of blockchain to recreate this light energy sector.

This this setup will also brings a solution to the issues affecting the global light energy sector by utilizing the efficiency of waste products to produce a far more exceedingly weight of light energy. This setup then offers the blockchain system a source of light energy without being dependent on the centralized light energy that comes with a huge fee.

This setup is established by a team that has many years of energy and blockchain experience . This team has been proven to be experts in their various areas of discipline. This group of people then come together to bring this awesome idea to reality. In the team with awesome blockchain programmer marketing agents, and more others.This setup has a very distinct opportunity to bring a definite lifespan supply of light energy to the world.

Token Sales Information

Token Name: SERENITY

Ticker: SET

Token Standard: ERC-20

Platform: Ethereum

Role of Token: Utility

Token Supply: 500 million

Soft Cap: $5 million

Hard Cap: $20 million

Exchange Rate: 1 SET =$0.1

Country of Registration: Australia


Website : https://serenitysource.com

Whitepaper: https://serenitysource.com.au/assets/docs/SERENITY_WHITEPAPER.pdf

Btt ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5160209

Telegram : https://t.me/SerenityIEO

Twitter : https://twitter.com/serenity_sourcesource

Writers Details

Bitcointalk Username:

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ETH wallet: 0xAe114414Fa0d571908718715D0a021B1B942f186

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