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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
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6 лет назад

LivenPay | App to make purchases by cash with instant cashback service

Today more and more people in the world are beginning to show interest in cryptocurrency and investing in digital assets. Many scientists believe the technology of the Blockchain is one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century. But despite the growing popularity every year, the mass introduction of this technology in real life is not yet possible. One of the main reasons preventing the development and spread of blockchain technology to the masses is the high volatility of digital money. Fluctuations in the rates of some cryptocurrencies can reach 90% per day, which makes it impossible to use them as a means of accumulation or payment for any goods.

As long as cryptocurrencies will be considered a high-risk type of assets, about any mass application in the real sectors of the economy and the question can not go. But despite the presence of negative and constraining factors, the Blockchain technology can not be stopped, it has a huge potential for development in the future and in the next couple of years this potential will exceed the current indicators by thousands of times. Today we will consider a project that will help to finally reveal the potential and make the cryptocurrency as familiar to people as a means of payment for goods as Fiat funds

The main idea of the LivenPay project is to implement an innovative network through which people will be able not only to pay for any goods and services as easily and simply as traditional money, but also to return part of the money spent in the form of instant cashback

LivenPay is a mobile application that is designed to pay for goods in the catering industry. Immediately I would like to note that the application is already functioning and use the millet. With these applications, you can not only pay for the goods, but also earn.

You can download the app to Apple App Store and Google Play on the main project website.

The company was founded in 2015 and was based on the payment of food purchases using the Liven mobile app. To date, the company has more than 400,000 regular users and more than 1,000 different institutions that accept payment using the Liven application. But they became cramped in Australia and with the help of blockchain technology, they plan to scale around the world, initially adapting the work of their network in new York, San Francisco and London.

In the LivenNetwork network, people will be able to pay for goods and services with tokens of the LVN ecosystem, and these tokens will be automatically converted into cash. The conversion depends on the institution that accepts payment in bitcoin or in Fiat money. The price of LVN digital assets will increase with the number of partners using the company's application to pay for their goods

In the case of payment for goods using the LivenPay application, the user receives cashback in the form of ecosystem tokens. These tokens can be used for further purchases or for charitable purposes.

A few words about charity. Liven is an authorized and one of the most significant fundraising agents in Australia. The company has been actively involved in various charity events since 2015. They already at that time had a special function in their application "save and donate". With the migration to the blockchain, LivenNetwork will multiply opportunities for charity, now the company will be able to implement its noble goals all over the world in a completely transparent and more effective way!

The project already has a functioning application and a large number of customers, in the future their number will undoubtedly only increase, as the team is constantly improving the functionality and is going to expand its activities to other large markets and continents. To date, the application LivenPay is used by more than 400 thousand customers, the project has strong partners, a highly qualified team of professionals with extensive experience and funds for the implementation of all their ideas. This project helps to increase the degree of trust in digital assets, the speedy unification of the digital world with all other markets and the development of the entire blockchain industry as a whole. Perhaps in the future LivenPay will be able to take a leading position in this segment around the world. In General, the project is quite interesting, for more detailed information you can follow the links below.

The uniqueness of the text 100 % - https://text.ru/antiplagiat/5c6b4d2e8ee69

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