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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Dear Reader,

The blockchain advancement has created, and digital money system has transformed into an astoundingly decent mechanical assembly for putting away digital assets. Decentralized and clear in way . Since blockchain advancement, offers a direct strategy for working, so it will offer trust to customers to have the choice to improve the environment and convey positive motivating force to arrange about a centrality of blockchain development, as a spot to store their advantages safely on the web.

Blockchain Technology is especially useful for all activities related to installment issues what's more, established on research that has been done all things considered far, Gold is most seasoned exchange wares the world that has an uncommon effect of the world economy improvement. The progression of development has altogether changed in tremendous part to change the entire budgetary related market emphatically, even all edges which fuse the fiscal business, government and banking. We see the enormous work of Blokchain advancement as an all out method to manage and make an undeniably thorough perspective, especially in the budgetary biological system.

By offering straightforwardness and decentralized technique for working, a blockchain-based structure. Digital Gold is a one of a kind Gold based task. Where through Blokchain advancement, customers can buy digital Gold tokens that have a comparative motivator as 99.99% unadulterated Gold through the blokchain system, which can be traded energetically.


As a blockchain development based venture, Digital Gold intends to be utilized by shippers, to store and use digital gold, through techniques that are successfully fathomed and executed to help digitization in the money related markets. By using GOLD tokens, this will be very helpful for customers. Furthermore, established on the data that has been gained, the expense of Gold will continue rising, so when seen similar to this development, it will be incredibly profitable for GOLD token holders.

Since the expense of Gold tokens is comparable to the expense of Gold streaming accessible today. Moreover, through a straightforward technique for obtaining GOLD tokens, this will verifiably give an uncommon possibility and open entryway for customers to have the alternative to have the gold and digital tokens environment. Digital Gold is an imaginative task and as an augmentation among gold and the digital biological system.



Customers are permitted to make installment exchanges or purchase without considering the costs to be realized. By using Ethereum ERC-20, customers can send Gold tokens all through the world gratis. Customers can make installment exchanges paying little notice to the total they make in light of the fact that the trade cost will be charged through the Ethereum organize. Clients just need gas which will be used as the expense of the exchange. Likewise, for customers who need to contribute, a yearly stockpiling expense of simply 0.99% will be charged. This is an outstandingly little cost achieved by customers than they have to store gold in a vault or bank.


In light of the surenesses that consistently occur starting at now, a large portion of existing coins can't keep up their motivation for whole deal prospects. Since the thing that is had doesn't so much have the limit and preferred position for the system in certifiable use. However, Gold is a high worth and has been used as an exchange mechanical assembly. Through the joint exertion between Blockchain advancement and Digital Gold, this is an ensured strategy to place asset into the whole deal. Since by having a GOLD token you can direct to trade these coins successfully and quickly.


Digital Gold guarantees the security of its customers, as long as the customer token verifies itself against cybercriminals and various kinds of PC malware. Through the GOLD token, the genuine assets, specifically 99.99% unadulterated Gold are safely put away in the vault, the Gold has been shielded with the Chubb protection office, and is put away in Singapore, so it will guarantee the points of interest asserted by the customer. by then token customers don't need to worry over the loss of advantages they have. Since the User is permitted to lead due assurance by checking BullionStar direct survey reports which are issued quarterly, thusly asserting the estimation of gold kept. Since Digital Gold is guaranteed by forefront security.


As an underwriter of liquidity, DIGITAL GOLD LTD offers chance to customers to have the alternative to buy GOLD tokens according to the whole they need, paying little mind to whether in immense sums or in little sums. Since as a token issuing association, DIGITAL GOLD LTD gives another bit of leeway to its customers, to be explicit all day every day organization. Liquidity itself relies upon the present Gold cost accessible. Besides, for customers who need to buy GOLD tokens, if its all the same to you buy in the Digital Gold market or through an exchange between associates who have GOLD tokens.


GOLD tokens grant physical responsibility for while remaining private. Since Gold is a genuinely gainful asset, if you have to buy GOLD tokens, it is required to fit in with pertinent techniques and rules with the purpose of giving belonging and purchase rights to Gold that you have acquired in huge sums.


For more information about the project visit:

Website: https://gold.storage/

Whitepaper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544

Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20

Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/golderc20

Bitcointalk username: ryan619

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2307679;sa=summary

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