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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Digital Gold is another real gold-maintained stablecoin coin (GOLD), a coin based on ethereum blockchain that is proportional to 1 gram of physical 99% preferred position gold hang on at impenetrable vault. Digital GOLD should be a modernized crypto notwithstanding settled by utilizing substantial gold, that is procured at something point a token is issued and stick on in a generally impervious vault in Singapore. GOLD should be a protected, valuable and brisk answer that serves a couple of limits from theory and portfolio development to secure trades and gift to your relatives. Digital GOLD could be a reasonable cash instrument, any region real gold sold with the guide of our manager is exceptionally a dreadful parcel facilitated term towards the amount of issued tokens. Before this endeavor appeared, the sum total of what we have been seeing is cryptographic money returned by means of fiats i.e dollars, pounds, euros; anyway this Digital Gold is supported through real gold.

It is a standard data that physical gold overseeing wishes talk showing of non-open actualities and consistence with neighborhood chooses that substitute movements from kingdom to country. GOLD is your chance to have physical gold while remaining person. GOLD as a token absolutely maintained by substantial gold, is your friend in need towards flimsy well worth swings and awful crypto financial circumstances. The token may be immediately acquired, sold-out and moved making it an extraordinary development to your portfolio.


The organization issues a token as a liquidity guarantor that favors looking for and selling huge quantities of tokens close to market rates. The token holder can immediately buy or substitute the token at this site or trade accomplices.

There are no exchange charges. Make the same number of reimbursements as you need. GOLD can be utilized as segment of your consistently standard or business exchange.

The low cost of contributions is equal to the cost of storing gold at the bank, without the trouble of genuinely managing loved steel storage issues.

Bolstered a hundred percent in substantial gold. The amount of substantial gold spared can be coordinated to the all out number of tokens continuously. All cash switch exchanges are irreversible and there is no real way to square or restrict your record because of the decentralized state of blockchain innovation.

Have GOLD while private. All other gold belonging choices include unveiling your personality at the hour of purchase or reclamation. To buy or sell any amount of GOLD, you exclusively need to outfit the goal address.


  • Customers can ship and pass the Gold Token aside from attempting to worry over change cost.

  • GOLDtoken moreover empowers investors to buy coverage in physical gold, which can later be utilized to rehearse protection contrary to showcase flightiness or changes.

  • The GOLD Token can also be effectively gotten, offered and traded.

  • All physical Gold is secured through the world's greatest wellbeing financiers, the Chubb Insurance Company.

  • GOLD Token in like manner guarantees high liquidity, thinking about the token sponsor association, DIGITAL GOLD LTD includes as an liquidity organization while clients can in like manner buy a broad proportion of tokens through the Digital Gold Marketplace.

  • GOLD stablecoin is pegged to real gold and this helps increase the worth and keeps developing in correspondence to FIAT stablecoins, for instance, USD, EURO. Customers won't moreover need to worry over passing KYC or encountering KYC or hard techniques to have a GOLD. So I rouse my lovers to trip this exact endeavor.

  • Every GOLD token upheld by means of real gold are spared in a safe vault. Put away gold is reviewed progressively and can be affirmed on the web. Every GOLD token is issued through Ethereum brilliant contract and the assortment of circling tokens is typically equivalent to the total amount of gold bullion put away in the vault.

  • That is the reason why Digital Gold endeavor was once conceived (Token name: GOLD) (site: https://gold.storage/). The Digital Gold venture has made investing into the gold market simpler than any time in recent memory, notwithstanding for novice individuals. The token used to be trouble dependent on ERC20. GOLD is upheld by methods for physical gold that is spared safely and furtively. More detail, 1 GOLD equivalents to 1 gram of gold (99,99% Fine) and the physical gold can be reviewed whenever.

As noted above, storing bunches of gold can be perilous for your own wellbeing, specifically when your personality is printed which is unavoidable when you own one of a kind a huge measure of cash. This is unraveled effectively on account of blockchain innovation. When you individual GOLD, your protection is simply actually faultlessly wellbeing; all you need to do is basically to recollect your non-open key of your GOLD wallet. Nobody, even your couple, can get whether you individual gold or no longer until you illuminate them by way regarding yourself.
You can likewise purchase Digital Gold on the exchange at https://gold.storage/market and https://cryptex.net/trade/GOLDUSD

You can also check the outstanding Roadmap by the Project

For more information about the project visit:

Website: https://gold.storage/

Whitepaper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544

Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20

Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/golderc20

Bitcointalk username: ryan619

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2307679;sa=summary

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