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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад




GOLD TOKEN has advantages such as prices that will no longer be affected with the aid of any GOLD Tokens is exactly what you need to purchase gold and shop it digitally with whole anonymity and warranty the protection of your belongings from high volatility and loss of value. You don’t need to fear about the change price of GOLD tokens because GOLD tokens are the same as real gold and the alternate fee is the equal as you will get earnings by means of buying and saving GOLD tokens safety and privacy will be the most priority for the team. GOLD Ethereum-based ERC20 Tokens are an effortless and instant way to save, buy, sell, or switch gold at an investment level.

Since this is a digital adaptation of gold value 1 TOKEN = 1 PURE 99.99 PURE GRAM All GOLD tokens upheld by utilizing materially gold for insurance are put away in your secured in no way, shape or form to stress. Gold spared is inspected progressively and can be exhibited on the web. Every GOLD Token is issued the utilization of smart contracts Ethereum and the scope of tokens available for use is consistently equivalent to the entire measure of gold bars spared in the vault.Gold everywhere throughout the world is utilized to secure wealth and make profit won when uses upward push again gold expenses tend to be relentless and make numerous individuals round the world buy and sell gold.


You may need to likewise choose to buy gold by your exchange specialist, at that point request it to be conveyed to your home. For this situation, you can either shop it there (confronting the danger of burglary) or in a vault (and pay stockpiling charges). At that point, when you choose to advance your gold, you may need to rehash the system in turn around. For little amounts of the valuable metal, the charges will most potentially surpass the value you get for it.

It should be conveyed that in numerous nations, purchasing real gold is worry to VAT: at the factor of procurement, you lose 16–25% of your assets worth, never again tallying the spread. This is the reason gold ETFs have end up so mainstream. You can get them by utilizing a dealer or straightforwardly on exchanging stages. ETFs are never again aside from their issues, however. Most agents request that you credit in any event $10,000 to open a record. Each intermediary leads an exacting KYC, and there is constantly a danger that your record will be solidified — both by method for slip-up or on the grounds that the merchant's purview presents sanctions against your nation. At long last, the financier boss itself can fail.

DIGITAL GOLD comprehends every one of the issues depicted previously. The tokens can be acquired right away, and everything about is principally founded on real gold stored in a vault. All things considered, you don't have to store stacks of dollars, trust that a vendor will open a record, pass a KYC check, or stress that your non-open insights may end up being close by to other people.*

The Features of Digital Gold

High liquidity Digital Gold: The GOLD token guarantees high liquidity, because of the reality the token organization, DIGITAL GOLD LTD, additionally fills in as a liquidity provider. Clients are endorsed to in a split second buy and advance anonymous measures of tokens, with the guide of the Digital Gold Marketplace, or friend trades. Another preferred position extremely worth calling attention to is that with Digital Gold, clients do never again need to consider adjacent endeavor hours, on record that the transporter is reachable all day, every day. Liquidity is subsequently accessible on interest, and the charges as a rule cautiously coordinate present day gold market costs.

A non-open gold belonging background: As quickly referenced above, managing substantially gold involves that clients uncover non-open realities to stay in consistence with nationwide administrative structures. The notable absence of institutionalization upheld by utilizing the sheer measure of actualities gathering, has prompted the presence of a general public that is more privacy conscious. The GOLD token endorses for real gold proprietorship while shutting private.

Ensured long haul future of obtained GOLD: Most monetary examiners concur that the ways of life anticipation of gold tremendously exceeds our own. This end is sponsored by methods for the Lindy Effect, an idea that portrays how the future ways of life anticipation of a benefit is promptly relative to its cutting edge age. Gold's event for bunches of years ensures that the loved steel will stay applicable for a long time to come.

We might want to disclose to you about the method related with obtaining, or selling the GOLD token.
To encourage a simple, decent and proficient buy/deal framework, the Digital Gold mission has decided on the production of a marketplace. By utilizing the Digital Gold Marketplace, clients can genuinely round out a structure that starts a smart contract, which at that point moves the recently printed GOLD tokens.The Marketplace goes about as the best inclination for GOLD token buys and deals, as it enables clients to do these exchanges in a split second.

In light of this, clients must enter the total they wish to purchase and the ERC20 Ethereum handle where the tokens will be credited. Clients are furthermore allowed to enter non-necessary subtleties, similar to their BTC return address, or email handle for email-based affirmation of the buy. When it is totally utilitarian, the marketplace will support the buy and sell of the GOLD token. The token can also be traded at https://cryptex.net/trade/GOLDUSD

Conclusively, the merits of gold tokens are so severe in this digital age that a ton of people round the world need easy capacity, well-being and online exchanges round the world. Digital GOLD has the entire thing you need when you purchase GOLD tokens and retailer them in your Ethereum wallet you will be ensured and the safe GOLD token additionally makes an exceptionally top thought for some, individuals round the world. GOLD tokens are made for each body who wants charge dependability for each body who purchases and holds their tokens in their wallet. You can also store your tokens in Myetherwallet, Metamask, Trezor, Guarda and Ledger Nano S

For more information about the project visit:

Website: https://gold.storage/

Whitepaper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544

Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20

Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/golderc20

Bitcointalk username: ryan619

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2307679;sa=summary

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