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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


In as much as i would have liked to boast that I discovered Blockchain technology and I was one of it's very early users, that would be a lie, I discovered the existence of blockchain technology sometime in 2015 and I immediately knew that I have stumbled on a Goldmine and that Blockchain was going to be the future. One of the first innovations brought by the Blockchain is Bitcoin.

Before the invention of blockchain technology, finance itself was heavily centralised, for example, you cannot send funds from one country to another without using centralised institutions like banks, most times these banks need your physical presence before the transactions are executed, this leads to time wastage and frustration because your have to leave your other activities and focus on that.

Then came the Magical Bitcoin, which made it possible to make truly peer-to-peer transactions across the world no matter the location, no matter the currency, no matter the language, Bitcoin can be transacted from the comforts of your home and the best part is that because of the decentralisation of the Blockchain, you can track the transaction until it's final destination. Sounds too good to be true right? Well, it had some downside and we are about to look at them now and after the problems are outlined, inwojld tell you about the solution I discovered and the picture below is a hint.

The year 2017 is jokingly referred to as the year of Cryptocurrencies because that is when Blockchain users spiked so much that we started seeing the problems which were previously not an issue, infact in December 2017, the CoinMarketCap of all Cryptocurrencies hit an All Time High(ATH) of almost One Trillion US Dollars. The sudden spike in users exposed the vulnerabilities and some of them are Scalability and Speed of Transactions.

The Bitcoin Blockchain was made to handle 7TPS(Transactions Per Second) and the Ethereum Blockchain was built to handle 15TPS, and in that time period, Users in the Bitcoin Blockchain alone were making way more than 7TPS and this caused a terrible backlog in the Blockchain which lead to longer transaction confirmation time and higher transaction fees, users were having to pay as high as $25 as transaction fee and some had to wait for days before their transactions were confirmed.

This has made integration of Cryptocurrencies in the real world almost because existing Blockchains would not be able to handle the number of transactions not guarantee a frictionless blockchain experience, this problem is what made the Allsporter Project's team to introduce a revolutionary solution called Allsporter.

Allsporter As A Solution
This is a decentralized blockchain based platform that was designed with the aim of helping people passionate about sports to get training and rent equipments that they need with ease at cheaper prices through elimination of middle men.

The Allsporter platform was created to assist the sporting community with the problems they face in getting equipments for training as well as skills needed to use these equipments through a decentralized person to person ecosystem.
To make this possible, the platform makes use of the blockchain technology which will be responsible for immediate entrance to data needed and these data is recorded on the blockchain in such a way that it cannot be tampered with and is distributed to ensure maximum protection against hacking and allows easy access for data filtration.

The platform also offers complete transparency as it is architectured on the blockchain technology whose basis is transparency as all transactions made are alter proof and stored in real time i.e. the time the transaction takes place exactly is recorded and this makes it nearly impossible for fraudulent payments such as double charges and payment manipulations also the use of the Allsporter coin of the platform allows trainers to get their payment directly into their wallets without the need of having to trust someone to collect it for them.

Benefits of the Allsporter platform
Elimination of intermediaries which poses restriction and higher fees for sport skill acquisition and equipments.
All transaction details are stored on the blockchain ledger which makes them tamper proof i.e. all payments made cannot be changed and the owners of such payment such as the trainers and equipment renters receive it without any form of alterations.

Sport trainers and equipment owners that are users of this platform enjoy instantaneous payment of their funds to them in form of ASC token without it passing through any middle men.

Token information
The token of this platform is denoted as ASC which means Allsporter coin and is a utility token structured according to the Ethereum blockchain standards useful for electronic wallet the platform is proposing.

In Conclusion
I will jump at the chance to state, now, that the thoughts introduced in this article is only a rundown of the colossal potential outcomes that the Allsporter venture holds and offers to corporate elements and even individual clients. I, consequently, firmly prescribe everybody to peruse the Allsporter whitepaper for a superior handle of this tremendous wander. The following are some other valuable connects to enable you to stay up to date with the Allsporter venture.

ICO Information

Hard cap: 19M USD
Soft cap: 15% of Hard cap
Timeframe of Pre-ICO: 10th October 2018- 29th October 2018
Timeframe of ICO: 30th October 2018- 28th December 2018

Web Application: https://allsporter.com
Website: https://allsportercoin.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/allsporter
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allsporterapp/
Telegram channel: https://t.me/allsporterico
Twitter: https://twitter.com/allsporterapp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allsporter/

Author Information:

Bitcointalk Username: seblbj

Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2022050;sa=summary

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