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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Odd Weather For The Month Of June

The month of June this year has been unlike any that I can ever remember. Our brains and bodies insist it's summer and that the weather is hot. And it is absolutely not. Some friends insisted on going swimming at one of their favourite swimming holes and came back looking a little blue if you ask me :joy:

I'm not sure what the summer holds for ongoing weather and I hope my local friends don't see this post because this cool weather suits me absolutely fine as I figure out being comfortable in a tiny space aka the Honda c~RV hehe. Get it? RV haha. I know I'm insufferable but it's all I can be. Happy and free. I'm not planning on taking up lyrical dance anytime soon but then again, ya never know do ya? :grinning:

In the next couple of weeks I will be fashioning bug screens and privacy shades for my little RV. I hope I've figures out how to get that done. Seems like I have but it's never as easy as you think lol. One of the things I am the most grateful for learning is simplicity. Overcomplicating things is the very last thing I want to do on the road. I have found that simplicity is always best.

Certain things make a lot of sense and when they do they are undeniable and really add major value to your journey. The Camelback water bladder I bought for example. It is both lovely cold water storage that I can fill with ice to drink, and it is my refrigerator for my perishable foods. Anything that can work double or triple duty is a true gem. I can even use that water bladder as a cold pack for mild strains. It's actually pretty easy to pull a muscle when you're climbing around a small space :grinning:

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