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6 лет назад

Jeff Garzik in court

Jeff Garzik was asked to tell the court about the true Satoshi Nakamoto
Jeff Garzik, one of the developers of the fundamental software for Bitcoin, said that on March 15 he was summoned to the District Court of South Florida in the case of the Clayman family against Craig Wright, the self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto.

The fact is that the Claymans are sure that Craig Wright deceived one of their family members, David, and manipulated his assets. Bitcoin.com reports that there is reason to believe that David Kleiman (deceased) may have been the creator of Bitcoin. In this case, the defendant is accused of having appropriated 300,000 BTC ($ 1.1 billion) from the Kleimanov family trust, which allegedly has 1 million BTC in its accounts, frozen until 2020.

As a result of the judicial debate, one of the early Bitcoin developers Jeff Garzik was connected to the process. Lawyers Kleimanov insisted on his participation. They ask for any evidence that David Kleiman is the real creator of the main cryptocurrency. On a subpoena, Garzik writes on his Twitter:

> “You agenda. I flew in connection with a claim for bitcoin. In the interests of radical transparency, here is the document that just came to me, ”the developer writes.

The 14-page agenda, among other things, asks for information about the connection between Garzik and Wright and Kleiman. Also, the plaintiff’s attorney is searching for any documents that were received from David Kleiman, W & K Info Defense (Kleiman and Wright company), as well as any contacts with a person named Uyen Nguyen.

The document contains questions concerning the mining of Bitcoin in the early years of its existence, Mt. Gox, Silk Road, Liberty Reserve and the Prometheus project, and also mentioning cryptographer Jan Grigg, writer Andrew O’Hagan, billionaire Calvin Air and Bitcoin.com owner Roger Ver.

Wright and his council denied the complaint against the claimant, stating that the oral partnership between Wright and Kleiman was prohibited by the fraud law.

“There was no written partnership agreement between Dr. Wright and David Kleiman and / or W & K Info Defense Research, LLC,” said Wright’s attorney in response to 36 pages. Meanwhile, Wright, in his many tweets, has repeatedly written about his role in the creation of Bitcoin.

Given the size of the request of Kleimanov to Garzik, we can assume that they want to get all the information that the developer could have learned in recent years. The request also mentions an article in Bloomberg, which refers to Garzik and his "personal theory" about David Kleiman.

In the article, Garzik states: “My personal theory is that [Satoshi Nakamoto] is Dave Kleiman from Florida. The coding style speaks in his favor, since this gentleman was self-taught. A Bitcoin developer was very smart, but did not have a classical programmer’s education. ”

This particular quote led Kleymanov to believe that Garzik could know a lot about the relationship between Wright and David, or to have possible evidence about Clayton’s relationship with Nakamoto.

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