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5 лет назад

SUPER ZERO (SERO) The global leading privacy protecting platform

Introduction to Sero

SERO is the world's first crypto-currency technology to use the mechanisms of SUPER-ZK Proofs to achieve privacy protection and supports smart contracts

Although the introduction of blockchain technology and the creation of Bitcoin as the first cryptocurrrency is gradually bringing transformation in to the world’s economy. With a lot of projects leveraging on its unique features to offer transparent, trusted, safe and Decentralized services to their client.

Yet, the major challenge bothering users of the blockchain is the ability to protect their privacy and also enjoy peer to peer transactions. Both big organizations as well individuals desire a complete protection of their data and personal information , they want to hide their identity from the public they want to protect their personal information from being stolen , they want their financial transaction history to be private.

Sero is the world's first truly Privacy Protection platform for Decentralized Applications. Let me do well by taking us back to the usefulness of privacy and its components.

The deluge of individuals and the appropriation of blockchain innovation have realized the formation of SERO venture. SERO has come to use blockchain innovation to make a total privacy assurance of blockchain by means of non-interactive zero-knowledge proof .SERO has likewise come to alter the cryptocurrency sphere through enabling developers to make their own encoded digital assets supporting smart contracts dependent on SERO-Chain.

At present, customers have an extending concern and enthusiasm for privacy insurance; some outstanding associations have discharged a gigantic number of customer protection data, including Yahoo, Uber, PayPal, InterContinental Hotels Group, US credit office Equifax, UK National Health Service System(NHS, etc., exchanging off a few millions to innumerable customer data. Facebook lost a huge number of dollars in market in two days in view of one of the greatest privacy spills in March 2018. The issue of security has in like manner pulled in the thought of various organizations; the European Union stood out in announcing the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) to encourage associations to satisfactorily guarantee customers' privacy.


The SERO Wallet is a secure, fast and private wallet that can be used to store the naïve token and every account and transactions are done private.

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The wallet for windows and Linux can be downloaded at https://github.com/sero-cash/wallet/releases

While the wallet for android and apple gadget can be downloaded at https://qg25.cn/uiTUP3


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Computational commitment rewards ( all the more figuring force utilization will be required for applications which use privacy components ). The SERO Token is the local token to be used in the SERO environment and can be utilized to encourage transactions. The token can be utilized by clients for various purposes in their DApp or SERO related ecosystem.

The token can likewise be utilized as a bookkepping reward.

The token can likewise be utilized to remunerate algorithm providers.

The token can likewise be given as a reward to developers of SERO ecosystem


Some of the contents of this article and graphic images are obtained from website: https://sero.cash/en/index.php and whitepaper: https://sero.cash/en/uploadfile/upload/2019052010565112.pdf


The SERO team has created a utility token which will serve as the main engine meant to drive the SERO ecosystem, SERO token will serve lot purposes such as :

Payment for bookkeeping reward and incentives.
Those who take part in the community development will be rewarded with SERO
SERO will be used to pay those providing algorithm as rewards for their services on the SERO platform. And many other uses that I have not mentioned here.
This article is just a brief review of the innovative privacy protection blockchain , there are comprehensive information for you on the SERO website and whitepaper. And I will advise you also join the social media for regular updates using links provided below:
To know more details about this unique projects, you can kindly visit:

Website: https://sero.cash/en/

whitepaper: https://sero.cash/en/uploadfile/upload/2019052010565112.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SEROProtocol/

Telegram: https://t.me/SeroOfficial

Medium: https://medium.com/@SERO.CASH

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SEROdotCASH/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sero-global-inc/

Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/SERO_Official

Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile

Bitcointalk username: shawonngp

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