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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


There are countless opportunities opened in the World of Blockchain which cannot be found in any centralized system.Decentralized Job offering /seeking platform is another brilliant innovation developed on blockchain technology. In this ecosystem, job finder and seeker connect in a decentralized manner. Job seeker offer jobs
and job finder picks the job after agreeing with the job condition. The payments are made through escrow, payment is made to the job seeker after the completion of the contract. The barrier of employer owing their employees are removed as the payments are handled by the smart contracts and when the employee has to meet up the job requirements , it got released into their wallet. Today, I will be writing an article based on an innovation blockchain project named MyBillCash which focus on connecting micro job seekers and finders around the world together.I hope my dear readers will find this very interesting.

About MyBillCash

MyBillCash is a decentralized micro-job platform that links both job seekers and job finders together. MyBillCash platform is the world first online job marketplace that provided opportunities for anyone to do a simple online task and get paid without investing a penny.
MyBillCash aims to simplify the process of offering and getting micro-jobs all around the world. Several job seeking platforms of this nature has existed and still in existence but they are not decentralized, there is lack of transparency and efficiency in the Centralized class of this platform. Most employers on this type of platform are fond of not paying their employees after dedicating their time and energy to perform the assigned task. The team of MyBillCash has realized all these imbalance and it is the reason why they established the decentralized class of Job finding platform to ensure efficiency and transparency in the ecosystem. MyBillCash Platform uses Bill Token to rewards their users.Bill token is the native currency in the platform and can be used for transaction and payment of successfully complete jobs. Bill token is erc20 token based on Ethereum network. MyBillCash aims to achieve the best micro-job platform globally,
the platform will provide a stable market for micro-jobs and projects and adding values to their platform-native currency named Bill token.

Features of MyBillCash Ecosystem

  1. MyBillCash Platform operated on Voucher economy: Transactions are conducted on voucher economy. Users can convert their earned bill token into Vouchers which can be changed for cash. The Voucher economy empowers users to redeemed their earned token, converting them into cash which can also be used to place a job offer on the platform.The voucher after being generated is valid for a year and can be used once.

  2. Encrypted Messaging feature: The platform also has an encrypted messaging feature will allow parties to contract or community users interact anonymously. It allows employers and employees to chat in a safe environment, discussing, agreeing about the job offer and payment terms.

  3. Central Escrow System: The system of MyBillCash platform implement escrow service to ensure transparency and efficiency in the platform. Payments are placed on escrow and released on escrow into the employee's wallet after the successful execution of the contract that linked them up.

  4. $0.15 Minimum Job offers payment: Job provider can place a micro-job with a minimum of $0.15 in the platform and once job completed, employers rate the job and pay the employee with My Bill token.

  5. Bill token Staking system: The platform also offers token staking system to encourage investors to hold their tokens in other to add value to the tokens. The staking system allows token holders to stake their tokens in their various account as much as they want. 0.35% is currently the daily payment percentage offered on every 2000 bill or more which are in stack wallet of the holder.

Token name: BillsCash
Symbol: Bills
Decimal: 7
Supply: 11,000,000
Token : ERCS20


Signup and Refferals: 25%
Masternodes: 45%
Game development: 5%
Game promotion: 5%
Team: 10%
Documentation and Legal: 2%
Bounty :2%
Advisors : 1%
Reserverd: 3%
Airdrop: 2%

Official Resources
Website: https://mybillcash.com/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/mybillscash
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/mybillscash/
Github: https://github.com/billscash/solidity-token
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/PonRnhBsnf4I3usdRpHcqw
Twitter :https://twitter.com/Mybillscash

Authors info
Bitcointalk Profile url : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2694371
Bitcointalk username : Abosedemop
Eth address: 0xd8bcd4b152bd2ac173deb15d14160ed1225f0e05

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