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5 лет назад



In a simple term, a web browser is referred to an internet browser which is a software program designed to explore the content of the world wide web for accessing information. If the user pastes a particular website on the browser, the web browser will retrieve and display all necessary contents such as picture, video, contents, web pages and many more on the user's device. There are lots of web browsers ever since the invention of the internet which many of them is no more in existence. The first internet web browser was WorldWideWeb, which later changed its name to Nexus. Please, don't misunderstand this to world-wide web For a clearer understanding, (WWW) World wide web is quite different from a web browser. It is a channel where web resources and documents are being identified by the Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) such as https://www.example.com which are interlinked by hypertext and accessible over the internet. WWW resources can be accessed by web browsers. Back to my discussion on WorldWideWeb the first internet browser created by Tim Berners Lee in the year 1990. The first and most widely used web browser, which happened to be the first graphical browser was NCSA Mosaic.Mosaic browsers allow users to access both text contents and graphic contents. Several web browsers has been developed in which I can't mention them all but the reality is that all of these browsers are managed under a centralized system and there are so many security challenges associated to using all these browsers. Today, I will be discussing on nexus.global, a blockchain Powered decentralized Web browsers platform which allows users to surf internet in a secured and decentralized manner. Internet has become an integral part of all mankind. It has become our part and parcel, something we can't do without in a day. The Team of nexus.global is futuristic and spearheading the revolution of decentralized internet. In a bid to accomplish their dreams, they have launched a working decentralized blockchain browsers Netbox.Browsers with some other decentralized products which will make internet browsing more secured, fast, and rewarding for the global users.


Unlike the usual web browsers we use today, nexus.global is quite different, it is a node on blockchain network and the more the Netbox.Browsers users online the more efficient, stable, and base the Netbox.Chain will be.The entire architecture of Netbox.Chain is designed to offer rewards to the active Netbox.Browsers users. There are lots of goodies which netbox.global willing to offer their global users. The platform is a fully features platform with a multi-currency wallet, decentralized storage provider, content evaluation, and scoring platform, a payment system that facilitates frictionless borderless financial transaction,Proxy server, distributed Video hosting service platform. To crown it all the crucial components of Netbox blockchain is their master nodes. Nexbox blockchain Master node is active and live currently rewarding users with (NBX) for using Netbox.browsers for surfing the internet. NBX earned by surfing the internet can be sent to the staking pools for more rewards.
Users get rewards for staking NBX coin.The browser's wallets for NBX is built with the browser, it can be seen at the top right side of the browser. A click of it will take us to the wallet menu with all options. Users can stake with desktop and web wallet. In terms of the payout, the staking system works perfect and they make regular payment.

Netbox.Coin (NBX)
NBX is the native coin in Netbox.Global ecosystem that fuels the ecosystem. Different products, and services offered in Nebox.Global can be subscribed using NBX.Users can perform cross-boarder financial transaction with NBX coin. Users can as well stake NBX to generate additional income and increase the Netbox.Chain ecosystem stability.

Netbox.Chain consists of 2 different types of nodes which includes : Master nodes and ordinary nodes: The ordinary node is any Network.browser runnin users Personal computer while Masternodes is the major nodes that require a dedicated service with fix IP address. Running a master node simply means the user is contributing to the network operation, the more user running the Nodes the faster, stable, and secure the network. Below are the features of Masternodes
(i) Running Masternodes is a good income stream for their owners,
(ii)It ensures transactions privacy by mixing up the coins on master nodes.
(iii) It ensures network stability, owners must always be online, have a static IP and a fixed port.
(iv) The allocated Netbox.Coins allocated for the master node are not stored in the Master node and in a situation of a successful attack on the server, the allocated amount by the user for the creation will be safe.
(v) Developers put up to 20 masternodes into operation to ensure the network is always available at startup.When a total of 100 master nodes are reached, developers nodes get disabled and rewards received are burned.

Below is the video presentation of how to set up a master node:

Netbox.Global is a very huge ecosystem with a brilliant vision. It is indeed a very promising project which focuses their energy on decentralized internet browser which is definitely the future of the internet browser. Every internet users want to be always protected and the time will come where every internet user will insist on privacy and security. The following features are benefited when using Netbox.Browsers. Users also get paid with NBX while surfing the internet with Netbox.Browsers.It is no doubt, the platform will gain a large number of global users within a short period of time as more users are getting informed on a daily basis.Its really worth paying a closer attention to this class of project.Don't miss out and be part of something HUGE!!

Official Resources
Website: https://netbox.global
Whitepaper: https://netbox.global/files/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/netboxglobal
Telegram: https://t.me/netboxglobal
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/GCgZZPN
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/netboxglobal/
Medium: https://medium.com/@netboxglobal
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIAUgPvyihTcsqYSM264iIg
GitHub: https://github.com/netboxglobal

Bitcointalk username :bitcoinsodahf
Bitcointalk profile url : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2669618
NBX address: NeEW2S6QKFqy93dAjhNDoEjrGcoYT61dka
Eth address: 0xd8bcd4b152bd2ac173deb15d14160ed1225f0e05

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