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5 лет назад

Who Is There?

Who Is There by SolarPhasing

Hello Friends, :0)

Who is There?

Are you receptive? Are you open?

"Who Is There" open the album "On The Edge Of The Galaxy". A sonic experiment who could interact with brain waves. It's a very special listening experience. You can love it or you can hate it. You can be suprised to find you appreciate it. So, I will get my goal? May be.

I recorded this album to heal me. To calm me down.. on a long period. I recorded this album to feel good. Like a therapy. An experience.. a very relaxing one.

But, also.. Can we hear things not recorded? It's a question I asked me after finishing this album and listening it, a lot of times. Very surprised about what I recorded and what I'm hearing. The sound layers and the sound effects can surprised us. How creativity can be pushed forward more far.

Thank you so much for your support! Wishing you a peaceful week! :0)

More Music : https://choon.co/artists/solarphasing/
You can buy my music and support me on Bandcamp: https://solarphasing.bandcamp.com

Listen to "On The Edge Of The Galaxy":

"On The Edge Of The Galaxy" Album
Released March 25, 2018.

Support us by listening on the following platform(s) (we earn a small amount of crypto and would appreciate it):

Alternatively you can play right here by clicking play (but we get no reward):

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More about SolarPhasing:

Experimental Music Composer - Ambient Atmospheric Instrumental

Juan, @SolarPhasing
Spotify Me: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0FarK4tJsP9D043gqpMCzN

Make a donation to support my music and art:
ETH: 0x074425f23064c2a97bb29e5882028135cc2b4396
BTC: bc1qlguj83ztxm6r356kz78d56sazeycdxara9dd43


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На Golos с March 2019
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