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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

Adventure Of Auburn Central N.Y.'s Prison City

A Steemians Adventure Through The Prison City


Here is a little backround to the city I have been born and raised in. Since the early 1800s Auburn, N.Y. has been built around its maximun security prison. It began as a prison in which the inmates were not allowed to speak. They were supposed to only sit there and think about what they have done. It used to think its model of a silent prison would be implemented all over. They soon found this to not help to "rehabilitate" the inmates. They had a large amount of suicides due to inmates not being able to handle the mental health issues that were caused by never being allow to speak. This model was very quickly abandoned. 20170629_165550.jpg

This prison is essentially physically and financially the center of the City of Auburn. Auburn does have many claim to fames which include.....

  • Home of the worlds first electric chair
  • Home of Harriet Tubman who is responsible for helping free an endless amount of slaves. Her home in which she lived is said to become a National Park.
  • Home of William Seward who is the senator that struck the deal to buy Alaska

We have a rich history but there is not much left holding this history rich city away from a problem that plagues most of America these days which is the lose of jobs. We used to be an industrial powerhouse. Since the mass move of production being sent to china or factories have been closing one after another. This has lead many of my Auburnians to become Steemians. Some of which I will not name just due to not knowing there privacy concerns.


This is @philthyphil , he is new to steemit and has been browsing the platform. He has yet to blog but is a member and looks forward to enjoying the content and bringing his own flavor of content.


This is @stray , a man some of you might know for the CyberPunk fiction that he writes. His latest fiction post is https://steemit.com/novel/@stray/crimson-red-p-c-b-chapter-4-doctype-blood-rift-cyberpunk-fiction .
He has been writing his stories on steemit for a while now and enjoys sharing his cyberpunk style of fictional writing.


As you can see in the picture he is eating a delicious ham and salami sandwich. I had bought some food at our local shopping mart so when we met up he purchased a few sandwiches from me with steem. I just powered up with it as I love to do with steem.

Steemit has become a very exciting part of our lives. It has influenced us to seek out our dreams and financial freedom. I thank all of those who steadily day by day stay determined to bring the best content the internet has to offer.

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с June 2017
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