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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Blockium - Premium Token Offering on Botforex Exchange

Blockium, the innovative financial gamification platform created by Fokoya, is launching its IEO on Bitforex exchange. IEO blockium is live, don't miss the golden opportunity to immediately open your account and buy, don't miss it !!!! https://event.bitforex.com/en/BOK.html

About Blockium

We are lately on the height of our venture to innovate the quickest rising and greatest market in Asia. Blockium implements a large differ of P2P blockchain technological capabilities that permit us to launch positive factors formerly unseen in our industry. This permits us to integrate our device into the world’s most effective monetary markets, whereas leveraging our evolved peer-to-peer technology. Combining gaming and finance, Blockium permits merchants to execute monetary buying and selling abilities instantly in opposition to chums and strangers, and make vast every day income with minimal risk.
Using our evolved blockchain and tokenized technology, we make Stocks, FX and Crypto buying and selling successful at any funds size. With multi-channel accessibility and built-in integrations, our technology is designed to pressure the backside line. The architecture of our code, and the sort of libraries and integrations permit us unlimited choices of consumer experience, marketing channels and industry pattern opportunities.


The regular monetary buying and selling is fitting much less and less
relevant for the brand new generation of traders.

High Entry Level
• simply related to of us with the (sufficient) monetary means.

• Traders are risking large cash for the desire of incomes a little
• History has proved that even the world’s ideal merchants can't defend themselves
from the market’s fluctuations


• Regulators make it tough to innovate within the monetary sector.

Blockium is a social P2P platform offering blockchain customized opportunities for monetary traders

p2p monetary gamification primarily founded on blockchain technology
• We enable folks to execute their buying and selling expertise with any budget.

Risk management
• Hedge your threat with the aid of way of paying a one-time access price for a competition.
• Even whilst the market crashes, your investment stays safe.

Market Penetration
•The nature of our features, blended with blockchain-based integration creates a stable infrastructure quickly rising monetary ecosystem.

We constructed a platform for the buying and selling Industry

Since the release day, we have been dedicated to improving all funnels – Including marketing optimization, 80% aid of person acquisition costs, UX improvement and network growth.

Introducing Blockium

  1. Choose a buying and selling competition
    Live stocks, crypto and FX competitions, with other guidelines to suit any sort of trader

  2. Create Your Portfolio
    Choose your property wisely, you'll be able to both lengthy (Buy) or quick (Sell) each asset in your portfolio. We supply distinctive instruments and features, adding reside charts, ideas and information market analytics – everything you must make your subsequent profitable move.

  3. Best Portfolios Win
    Track your portfolio’s performance throughout the pageant and react to the market in real-time.

Blockium Business model
B2C: The platform fees 5%-10% commission from every contest’s whole access fee
Token Holder: Wealth accumulation, Blockium holders are entitled to 25% of Blockium salary distributed quarterly

More Information
Website — https://ieo.blockium.io/
White paper — https://docdro.id/rqKrQ8E
App Store — https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/blockium/id1330652956?mt=8
Google Play — https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.stocker&hl=iw
Telegram — http://t.me/Blockiumpresale
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/blockium
Twitter — https://twitter.com/Blockium_io

Bitcointalk Username : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2314469
ETH Address : 0xf0a1e8165680fd600bF6b5699277D2324cb66904

0.357 GOLOS
На Golos с September 2018
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