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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

MOOZICORE - World's 1st Music Streaming Service On Blockchain

As an ICO/IEO/ITO/STO cryptocurrency investor, you must be prepared to DYOR (do your own research) and take the time to analyze and study any potential ICO you may wish to invest in. It is so easy to get caught up in fake marketing and hype, leading you to make bad decisions. No matter how great the website looks or how many of your so called ‘trusted’ YouTubers promote any given ICO, you can only really trust yourself and what you as the investor believe to be the truth.
Below I will to give you one of potential project that interest you !!!



Moozicore is an application in your smartphone that will turn any public place connected to this service into a real fan place. Just imagine - two clicks with your finger and the background music turns into yours, from the playlist !

MOOZICORE - is a decentralized revolutionary offer of background music services for all businesses, where the quality of background music and its importance to the client is of great importance. Thus, Moozicore aims to turn the background music of any institution that will cooperate with it into an interactive playlist source of which will be the customers themselves. Great, isn't it?


Now, that's not all there is. This platform has clear advantages over its current competitors, because MOOZICORE is a fully licensed and legitimate application, with many features and services.

Design Feature

Moozicore can be installed not only in places of cultural entertainment, but also in places of entertainment such as sports bars, fitness clubs and so on. Therefore, each institution will be able to make your own playlist of the best tracks of its visitors. While Moozicore will give them access to the library which has over 20 million songs. Thanks to this you will be able to create your own library of music artists, as well as sort them by genre and musical styles. In addition to all this, you will have such a nice opportunity as downloading your favorite tracks through Apple Music and Spotify, which will further expand your capabilities before this service.



Moozicore offers all of its users to get pleasure from your favorite music where ever you are. All you need is to download the application (Moozicore) and play your favorite track on TV or through social media in your favorite restaurant, cafe, bar, gym. At the same time, the user will have the opportunity to vote for the favorite tracks of another participant, as well as receive various kinds of rewards for their active activities.


All you have to do is go to the application, select your favorite song and use the token to broadcast it to the masses. Other participants of this event have the opportunity to add your song to your playlist, vote for it or share it with your friends via social networks. Everything works quickly, easily and without question.

Ico Moozicore

Token: MZG ( ERC20 standard)
1 MZG is equal to 0.025 USD
Soft Cap - 266 million MZG
Hard Cap - 664 million MZG

1 billion of all issued MZG plan to distribute as follows:

50% sale on ICO;
20% referral and bounty;
14% project team;
11% conversion to MZI;
5% bonuses.
All funds raised will be used for the following purposes:

45% on the marketing platform;
35% optimization and development of the platform;
15% - licenses;
5% - legal expenses.

IEO Details

Moozicore IEOs are devided into three rounds with total supply for sale of 345,000,000 MZG tokens.
Round 1
Start: July 5, 2019 at 10:00 AM CEST
End: July 11, 2019 at 23:59 PM CEST
Token price: $0,0185
Tokens for sale: 40,000,000 (CoinBene), 26,000,000 (LATOKEN), 21,000,000 (Sistemkoin), 4,000,000 (ExMarkets)
Round 2
Start: July 12, 2019 at 10:00 AM CEST
End: July 18, 2019 at 23:59 PM CEST
Token price: $0,0185* - price adjusted to the 1st round
Tokens for sale: 40,000,000 (CoinBene), 26,000,000 (LATOKEN), 21,000,000 (Sistemkoin), 4,000,000 (ExMarkets)
Round 3
Start: July 19, 2019 at 10:00 AM CEST
End: July 31, 2019 at 23:59 PM CEST
Token price: $0,0241
Tokens for sale: 70,000,000 (CoinBene), 48,000,000 (LATOKEN), 38,000,000 (Sistemkoin), 7,000,000 (ExMarkets)
Trading details
MZG tokens will be available for trade on all exchanges on August 1, 2019. Full schedule below:
Trading launch > August 1, 2019
Deposit launch > August 15, 2019
Withdrawal launch > August 15, 2019
Trading launch > August 1, 2019
Deposit launch > August 15, 2019
Withdrawal launch > August 1, 2019
Trading launch > August 1, 2019
Deposit launch > August 15, 2019
Withdrawal launch > August 1, 2019
Trading launch > August 1, 2019
Deposit launch > August 15, 2019
Withdrawal launch > August 1, 2019
That’s all for now. Once again, we would like to thank all our current investors for the ongoing support for the Moozicore project.

WEBSITE: https://moozicore.com
WEBSITE [ICO]: https://tokensale.moozicore.com
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/moozicore
WHITEPAPER: https://tokensale.moozicore.com/whitepaper.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2625813.0v
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Moozicore/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/moozicore?lang=de
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@moozicore

Author :
Bounty0x Username : samar17

A sponsored article written for a bounty reward.

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