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5 лет назад


The organic process economic model - the event and increase in capitalization of every
individual BR naturally develops and will increase the full business volume.
BULCRYPT can profit folks round the world by creating it easier and safer to act with the
businesses they need invested with in. firms and businesses can alter and create reliable relationships with partners and

The BILLCRYPT integration system creates a world trust house, wherever any the data
necessary for creating choices is totally reliable.
The value of Billcrypt's suburbanised infrastructure is in transparency, security and simple
interaction, that is bound to increase the potency of every specific business and increase
the overall capitalization.

This is a multifunctional Blockchain integration system of representative offices of firms, skilled communities, specialists and product. Blockchain illustration (BR) is formed by users within the variety of decentralised applications (DApp) on the blockchain with a cushty interface. On the premise of the platform, AN interblockchain infrastructure of technological and economic properties is being designed, uniting blockchain comes and comes of the $64000 sector.

Such one snug setting can permit everybody to make their own BR, forming a unified system of bonded trust.
This will lead the event of any business to a brand new unexampled level. Investment properties embedded within the system can permit you to most effectively develop your business, establish profitable partnerships and promote one another economically. because of the action impact, receive multifold advantages.

For investors, this can be the foremost perceivable and illustrative structure, that permits, by gazing the reflexion (Virtual image half - ViP), to quickly and dependably measure the drawn businesses, and build profitable investment choices.

**Platform description **
BILLCRYPT pl may be a international redistributed integration system for Blockchain-Representative offices (BR)

A single multifunctional infrastructure uniting Blockchain Representative offices within the sort of decentralized applications on the blockchain (DApp)

A unique platform that mixes all the benefits of the $64000 world and also the virtual house, the acquainted web and blockchain.

This is succeeding step in development - a virtual house with real potentialities. A convenient platform atmosphere with a snug interface can enable everybody to most effectively develop their businesses integrated into the system through their own Blockchain
Representation for detail here https://www.billcrypt.io/.

**What is BR (Blockchain Representation) **

Blockchain illustration is its own code package of redistributed applications (DApp) on the BILLCRYPT pl platform, enforced within the usual kind for BR homeowners on the principle of a
cabinet on the location, wherever the owner performs all actions and settings. The external a part of the BR is placed within the applicable thematic section of the platform and is offered to all or any users. There, users will get all reliable info regarding the homeowners of the BR
and perform the actions they have (buying and mercantilism merchandise or services of the homeowners of BR, their tokens and very important person, participate in promotions and perform orders, receiving remuneration for it). At the code level, BR could be a DApp advanced that has access to the owner's blockchain resources on the platform and integration of the company's own external blockchain resources (if there's a need) with the platform and afterward with the world blockchain.

ViР (Virtual image Page) - Is mechanically generated ensuing page within the BlockchainRepresentative workplace, that on the idea of regularly confirmed information hold on within the Blockchain, creates a reliable visual image that reflects the state of affairs, standing and name of the owner of BR. This information creates further business price for the BR owner.

VIR (Virtual image Page) Is mechanically generated within the Blockchain-the illustration of the ensuing page, that on the idea of regularly affirm the information hold on within the Blockchain, to make a pure visual image, presenting the state of Affairs, the standing and name of the owner of BR. This information creates further price for the br owner's business.

The BR owner will divide his holistic reflection into any range of panjandrum (Virtual image Part) elements, confirm the price of one panjandrum and sell them to platform users. Thus, the owner of BR can receive extra funds for the event of their business and, as a result, a rise within the market price of panjandrum. Users of the platform at any time will sell, exchange, offer as collateral any quantity of panjandrum at any time.
The owner of the BR can even manufacture their Tokens and conduct Crowdsale on the platform or severally. He will associate his VIPs along with his Tokens in order that they have an effect on every other's rate worth.

Thus, the innovative national economy BILLCRYPT and therefore the BILC token acquire biological process development

Virtual image half (ViP) may be a unit of name worth, AN innovative thanks to specific A level of trust in financial terms and pass it on to somebody else

A reflection may be a graphical illustration, analyzed by the system of the full set of data offered within the blockchain regarding the business, merchandise or services provided by the owner of BR

If BR is open for a service, the system analyzes all its parameters (the starting of the action, the degree of the service for the periods of your time, value dynamics, client satisfaction, etc.).

The system mechanically analyzes all parameters and displays the result as a graphical image on The reflexion page – personage (Virtual image Page); The platform generates and perpetually displays this state of the personage on the idea of the totality of the knowledge offered within the blockchain concerning the owner of BR.

These factors will stimulate the development of collective investment. Smart contracts provide virtually unlimited possibilities for structuring rights to objects and investment projects, and this will help to construct various crowdfunding formats. The lack of banking regulation and compliance in the case of investments through the Platform potentially allows BR owners to collect funds cheaper and not be burdened with excessive administration, and this reduces
costs and increases profitability for detail here [https://www.billcrypt.io/

Website: https://www.billcrypt.io/
Whitepaper : https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/2a8396_434624d0fe8246969f305fe7b0911ba3.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/BILLCRYPTnews
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BILLCRYPT1
Facbook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BILLCRYPT/

BTT Username: tatarea9
Profil BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1825272

0.224 GOLOS
На Golos с July 2019
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