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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Orionix is a decentralized project

A great enjoying expertise will bring tons of changes. folks typically slip to sell their game things on sites wherever security and identity can't be verified. For worry of losing their valuable inventory.

In addition, it's outstanding to notice that world economic confidence has continued to grow within the past decade and continues to achieve new heights that ultimately ends up in additional demand and expenditure within the economy – an element that's progressively supplying interest within the digital currency. It is smart if technology and e-commerce still advance, moreover because the blockchain as a result of the correlation between the 2 proved positive. What’s additional, this mega trend doesn’t appear to be going anyplace within the close to future once the globe has become somewhat keen about technology.

About the project

Orionix may be a localized project, developed in accordance with the image of the most recent trendy technology, wherever blockchain technology is that the basis. In fact, the Orionix in operation principle lies on the surface and doesn't have a deep context. Everything is way easier than you're thinking that. However, Orionix main goal is to assist all participants, particularly eSports fans. wherever they're going to eventually get a reliable back and powerful support within the variety of the Orionix system.

These area unit a number of the advantages offered by ORX. As a team this can be crystal rectifier by people from vital sectors of the computer game business and players within the blockchain revolution. This diversity includes programmers, monetary and legal advisers, and promoting specialists. ORX is analogous to a plate, crystal rectifier by specialists and offers the simplest answer for the sport community these days.

– Read Virtual Values
– Project scalability
– Multipurpose Gaming Application
– Integration Exchange
– Safe environment
– And Cost-Effective Solutions

The latest innovation is Orionix Token ORX that permits players to exchange their virtual product safely and firmly within the variety of ORX tokens, which might be used as a localised currency. A vice blockchain technology that utilizes Ethereum sensible Contract to make sure safe and quick transactions.

Orionix.io are a number one currency which will be obtained by gamers, the sport trade, and most significantly, investors. the value for one ORX token is zero,00034 ETH. within the future, the fee are on top of $ one +. All investors are able to build their investments pay off, and also, each ORX user will make the most of this technology.

This is not solely a platform for gamers, however conjointly permits users to exchange, exchange tokens, and alternative helpful inventory through sensible Contracts. alternative analysis at the University of port showed that students United Nations agency examined art and humanities subjects were asked to play laptop games in controlled conditions to guage the results on the amount of correspondence and mental flexibility.

Token Information

Name: Orionix
Symbol: ORX
Sales supply: 420,000,000 tokens
Total supply: 600,000,000 tokens

Soft cap: 1,020 ETH
Hard cap: 142,800 ETH
Sales during: 3 month
Currency Received: ETH, BTC

Exchange Listing

ORX tokens are going to be bit by bit listed on associate degree increasing range of cryptocurrency exchange platforms wherever they’re going to be on the market for stock commerce. We are currently in communication to unharness ORX on multiple exchanges at token launch. The analytical market research we have a tendency to ran provides United States of America with a powerful indication that the Orionix’s platform can attract giant numbers of users intending to get and sell virtual product which is able to lead to a calculated ORX worth boost.

WEBSITE : https://orionix.io/
WHITEPAPER : https://orionix.io/Orionix_ENG_Whitepaper.pdf
FACEBOOK : https://fb.me/OrionixToken
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/orionixtoken
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/OrionixOfficial
USERNAME BTT : tatarea9
PROFIL LINK BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1825272
ETH ADDRES : 0x17715Fee6c3D41C1231A0aAd5F49596f4b485CC1

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с July 2019
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