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Hello everyone here, as I always do I welcome you guys once again to my little world that I always used to share my views about blockchain projects and startups.I am always happy to share with you the most promising ideas and startups from the world of cryptocurrency as they are created in order to facilitate our lives and change the world in the future.
In this post, the project that I will be sharing with you guys is Imusify and I will try all my possible best to summarily share what you guys ought to know about this project. There's no time to waste, let's ride on.

Since Cryptocurrency came to the existence in 2009 until today, it has been very volatile in nature. A lot of people have started to know and understand about the need to invest in cryptocurrency because it is decentralized, anonymous and can be used electronically.
A cryptocurrency (or crypto currency) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.
Cryptocurrencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized digital currency and central banking systems.The world of crypto lovers are very happy and assume that it’s the right way to investment in the future .. some call it The future Money.
The decentralized control of each cryptocurrency works through distributed ledger technology, typically a blockchain, that serves as a public financial transaction database.


Imusify is a platform that brings together the best practices of streaming, media sharing, precarious state and social networking to create an ecosystem in which the fans and music professionals be able to communicate with each other on a decentralized market.

The underlying technology allows you to track the flow of content and smart contracts provide fair and immediate distribution of the paytable. The content is checked automatically to determine copyright ownership, and digital tracking identification is used to prevent fraud.

Platform Imusify is based on solutions provided by the NEO, and implements several proprietary solutions to solve the problems of scalability and security. These solutions platform Imusify to surpass limits scalability due to reduction of volume and number of transactions necessary to verify in the main chain, and give each user the ability to earn income from production, ownership of content.

The platform brings together the best practices of traditional crowdfunding, streaming, media sharing, economic and social networking. Thus, the imusify eliminates the need for existing brokers, eliminates inefficiencies, provides transparency and ensures that all will be rewarded for their contribution.

  1. Licensing and Monetization

Outdated laws surrounding licensing and rate-setting systems fail to utilize available technology to track licenses and deliver royalties. Digital music services do not have efficient systems in place to obtain and keep track of all licenses related to the varying types of digital consumption: radio, on-demand streaming, radio-like streaming, digital purchases and more. Smaller artists lack the resources to enforce control over their content and rights. With limited information about how their content-related payments actually work, they are often left with little to nothing.

  1. Transparency in payment

Problems of payment transparency arise from the centralization of the royalty distribution system. Performance rights organizations conduct the process by collecting royalty payments from streaming services and then allocating payments to artists based on royalty rates set forth by organizations like The Copyright Royalty Board.

  1. Digital Rights Management

The lack of a comprehensive rights management regime creates several problems for managing artists’ digital rights, from lost revenues to misattribution of ownership.


Payment Transparency

Blockchain offers several added values to the transactional procedures that occur throughout the music supply chain. With a comprehensive database of consumption content and verified users, blockchain posed solutions for making automatic and transparent royalty payments, not only to single individuals but distributed to a song’s respective rights holders. This improved payment process can provide more information to artists about how their work is being consumed and exactly what and how they are being compensated.

Licensing and Monetization

With the presence of a decentralized database of content and ownership rights, artists have the opportunity to license and monetize content in exciting ways. Even small relatively unknown artists will have a marketplace where they can sell licenses for their work to be used in commercial videos, films, live events, and podcasts to name a few.

imusify uses a combination of innovative protocols and frameworks to facilitate direct peer-to-peer connection between artists, fans, and other stakeholders. The platform integrates the best practices of traditional crowdfunding, streaming, media sharing, economic and social networks. This way, imusify eliminates the need for existing intermediaries, resolving inefficiencies, providing transparency, and ensuring everybody is fairly rewarded for their contribution.

Some of the platform features include;

Transparent and fair payments

As a music sharing platform, imusify automatically compensates artists on a per-stream basis by distributing funds directly to the imusify wallets of the individual or group of the given song’s rights holders. The system’s streaming platform is also designed to allow artists to offer discounts to a group of fans or during a certain promotional period.

Decentralized Exchange

In order for artists and various user types to interact intuitively with the platform and conveniently realize their payments and rewards, it is crucial for there to exist a simple and convenient means to exchange IMU tokens to fiat and other currencies.


  • User owns all that he creates. Imusify is the company’s policy is that you were the rightful owner of the products of your labor. Without intermediaries. You do not have to sign anything, your data is absolutely confidential.

  • Person is the key. Every day you jump between different characters . You can be a musician, as a waiter, a dancer, lover, brother, particularly for someone and possibly even a parent; This is so obvious, we rarely notice this about myself. Capture the essence of this reality is critical to creating an effective ecosystem.

  • Content has a life of its own.

  • Using a unique token.

  • Stages, bars and guitar guides. Recording is only one part of this industry are large, live events part of the ecosystem and, therefore, are a significant part of the project.

  • Advertisement. Unfortunately, for project development it is necessary to attract additional funding and advertising.

  • DRM, licensing and other things. All of the activities and processes of the platform is absolutely legal and users will not need to worry about the legality of their actions.

  • Using imusify will not allow larger and successful companies downplay your talents and deprive you of remuneration.


Token Symbol: ϑ IMU

Token Type: NEP-5 Token

Blockchain Platform: NEO

Token Supply: 1,000,000,000

Token Percentage

Sold to Public 65%

Team Tokens locked/vested Yes

Price Per Token $0.05

The IMU tokens will be used as the engine to support Imusify multilayered decentralized music economy. This will increase the demand for the token since the token will have many uses throughout Imusfy’s infiltration into the industry.





A wide range of speculation will be made workable for the Investors. It may be dynamic or detached relying upon them and this will be improved by the ϑ IMU token. Numerous potential financial specialists in reality will because of that think that its engaging come and be a piece of the record framework.
imusify’s mandate is to create an open platform for developing new avenue of distribution of music for engagement and consumption. imusify is building a music smart economy to allow for the direct exchange of value between artists, fans, and other stakeholders, giving the community the power to control the future of the music industry.

For more information, please visit:

WEBSITE: https://imusify.com

Get Whitelisted: https://tokensale.imusify.com

Create Account on imusify's Demo: https://imusify.com/app

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/imusifycommunity

WHITEPAPER: https://imusify.com/whitepaper.pdf

ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4327428.0

BOUNTY THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4805108

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/imusify/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/imusify

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/imusify

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/imusify/

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/imusify

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/rrYxjBh

STEEMIT: https://steemit.com/@imusify

GITHUB: https://github.com/imusify



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