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6 лет назад

Mycro – getting the job done

Hello everyone here, as I always do I welcome you guys once again to my little world that I always used to share my views about blockchain projects and startups. In this post, the project that I will be sharing with you guys is MYCRO JOB and I will try all my possible best to summarily share what you guys ought to know about this project. There's no time to waste, let's ride on.

Since Cryptocurrency came to the existence of in 2009 until today. Since it has been very volatile in nature. Have a lot of people who have started to know and understand about the need invested. Cryptocurrency is a decentralized, anonymous and electronically. The world crypto lovers very happy to be know’s and assume that it’s the right way to investment in the future .. even they called as money in the future.



MYCRO is an intuitive mobile application to use. Simple short-term work can be placed directly on the MYCRO network for free. Using known intelligent and self-learning algorithms from the dating platform, MYCRO matches these tasks on time with the right job seekers. He does the job. One person gets time, another money.

It is an intuitive interface platform designed for peoples who do not have either time or skill to perform their home based work. For example if you want to clean out your apartment but you do not have time so you can put your work on their app that let you connect to other members that can help you. For peoples who are seeking for job in their local place can easily start matching their job through Mycro platform.


Mycro’s vision is to make it a task for the mycro team to protect the lives of the most valuable gifts, offering to people.

Why we need Mycro Platform?

Today, in the world rich peoples do not have enough to do work like cleaning house, cloth, garden and some others. But some peoples have too much time to waste on leisure activities so Mycro platform will help out users who are willing to do part time job to grow their life standard. Some peoples like business man do not have a time to give their family or to enjoy life so the people who have not time will purchase their time via this platform.

Time and Money Equalizer:

Mycro will solve out time and money problems by creating a decentralized innovative platform that will help out users to create a balance between time and money. For users who do not have time to certain types of work will able to post their job and other who want to monetize their time will find out a job through Mycro app. Their platform will satisfy both jobber and job provider through building trust and providing right job to the right person. The job seeker has to simply swipe the page to find out job that match with their skills.

Reputation System

Reputation and rating mechanism is very important in every industry and according to experts more than 60% peoples online read reviews before buying anything. Our current rating mechanism is a centralized system but in Mycro platform when job will be carry out successfully then users review will be stored in a smart contract. Ratings will be linked to job carry out user’s ether address that will solve fake rating problem.

How Mycro will help in finding job?
Mycro relies on a special sorting function. Both jobber and job provider can specify their preferences and rank them according to importance. Thanks, to The intelligent self-learning matching algorithm which will sort the available job offers, taking into consideration the preselected preferences, the job history and the ratings resulting from this. The jobber finds all individually sorted job offers in theMobile Application. This is all based on user guidance or a user surface that is comparable with networks such as Tinder. The jobber simply has to

swipe to look through the job offers and search for a suitable offer. The jobs are sorted in a descending order based on the level of compatibility.

How do payment system between both job provider and jobber work?

If the job is agreed between job provider and jobber ten, both will receive a personal QR code. The start of the job is marked by the

job provider scanning the jobber‘s QR code. If both parties have decided on payment by cryptocurrency, the agreed amount will be sent directly toan escrow smart contract at this stage. The money will be

held in trust by the escrow smart contract while the job is performed (escrow). Neither the job provider nor the jobber has the authority to access the money. In order to conclude the job, the jobber scans the job provider‘s QR code and the smart contract will take care of the jobber‘s Money.

In return for getting there required jobs done Mycro users merely pay 2% fees for the use of the complete decentralised version of Mycro which is 28% less as compare to other networks available in the market today.

Types Of Jobs
Mycro Mobile application would be helpful for finding the jobs of the following categories:

The Mobile application will be available both for Android & IOS version .

The dashboard will have easy to use interface and can only be accessed via mobile only for posting as well as finding job.

Mycro Network
Overall, The mycro network comprises of the following components that made it one of the best decentralized network for maintaining time & money balance equillibrium. These components are as follows:

Token Detail :

Symbol : MYO

Token Type : ERC20

Total Supply : 100 millions

Softcap : $3,500,000

Hardcap : $14,000,000


Token Distribution:






For More Details Visit:
Website: http://www.mycrojobs.io/

WhitePaper: http://www.mycrojobs.io/

Medium: https://medium.com/mycrojobs

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mycrojobs/

Telegram: https://t.me/mycrojobs

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mycrojobs

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mycro.jobs/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Gk4r0HRGFnOMfX3tWEfGw/







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