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6 лет назад

GoWithMi - Mapping the World on Blockchain

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A storm has hit the investment market which we are not going to recover from. Crypto investment is that storm. With strict capital controls in place by most countries to control the flow of money and charge high taxes, cryptocurrency gained usage in circumventing capital controls and taxes, leading to an increase in demand. Cryptocurrency has been able to present an easy to use digital alternative to fiat currencies. Offering frictionless transactions and inflation control, investors have been prudent enough to add these currencies in their diversified portfolios as an asset, as the size of the market does not represent a systemic risk. Cryptocurrency employs the use of cryptography that assures high-security processes and verifies transactions personal to each user. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve.

While this revolution is gaining wide acceptance, GoWithMi, the world's first complete decentralized location-based services infrastructure, complement the last key component of the blockchain to empower the real economy application has arrived.

"In today’s modern world, location tracking is now tightly woven into every aspect of our lives. However, current systems are composed of a completely centralized technology, and this is precisely where problems occur. As we all probably know, no one can verify the authenticity of the data that is provided by a centralized party, and this can make smart contracts vulnerable to geolocation tampering."

With that being said, GoWithMi's geospatial consensus ecological network consists of geospatial consensus data production, spatial computing power network, self-organizing geospatial asset node, and business application sharing support platform.

But before we go any further, please check out this video presentation to get even more acquainted

Now that I have your attention, let’s get right to it.

What exactly is GoWithMi?

As depicted above and according to the official website of GoWithMi, GoWithMi is building the world’s first complete decentralized location-based services (DLBS) infrastructure. It aims to provide a complete trusted geospatial value exchange service for large-scale commerce from data, computing, personal terminal to commercial ecological, and making value flows multidimensional, safer and smarter, complement the last key component of the blockchain to empower the real economy application.

In addition, GoWithMi's geospatial consensus ecological network consists of geospatial consensus data production, spatial computing power network, self-organizing geospatial asset node, and business application sharing support platform. Integrated DLBS, super oracle, and consensus map platform, based on the algorithm consensus to motivate participation and achieve benefit for everyone, cross-chain supports all blockchain platforms, one-stop support for all applications that retrieval location-based services, enables offline business to leap into the new era of programmable business, and enters an on chain and off chain Turing's complete self-circulation business ecology.

The Objectives as indicated of the official whitepaper of GoWithMi

In the next two years, GoWithMi will become the world's largest basic location-based service platform for the global blockchain, with services covering 70% of the world.

In the next two years, DAU will exceed 10 million, making it a true killer application in the Blockchain world.

In the next three years, the ecological GMV will total more than 100 billion US dollars.

The Goal

GoWithMi’s goal is to restore each value maker in a way that is equal to privileges and discuss income, not only to ensure providers of public charts, but also to protect people’s privacy and restore information sovereignty to people. As a result, it will produce a culture of information that is far more equal, wiser, develops itself where everyone gets to enjoy the value these people produce, and everyone has to enjoy the financial development of these people in the lead.

The Key Features


GoWithMi will completely decentralize the core component of the Internet ecosystem geolocation service, making it the core component of the entire blockchain network, and can be freely invoked by various upper-layer applications of the Internet and blockchain networks.

GoWithMi's decentralized location-based service (DLBS) features cover a complete set of systems of map location, search and query, route navigation, peripheral and traffic information search, spatial smart mining, etc. All data and services are run on GoWithMi’s innovated the world's first "spatial computing blockchain network Gaia". Gaia can realize storing full data on the chain, considers the decentralization of the POW and the high efficiency of the EOS, access equal rights mining of all objects and being able to resist "mining pool control". Consequently, allowing the decentralized operation of the location-based service system will never end, monopolists no longer control the business lifeline of the corporations, and that the personal trajectory privacy is no longer occupied and used without compensation.

Super Spatial Oracle

When all blockchains are applied to reality, they will encounter an ultimate problem: how to connect the “untrusted” world outside the blockchain to the “trusted” world within the blockchain? This requires a "trusted gateway mechanism." GoWithMi provides such a trusted gateway mechanism.

GoWithMi super spatial oracle provided a "trusted gateway mechanism” of original blockchain and required for all smart contracts related to location-based services, linking the two different worlds on and off the chain with “trusted” mechanism. It can provide a trigger response of trusted location-based data for smart contracts, allowing programmable network machine of Turing-complete, which is represented by Ethereum to seamlessly integrate with offline business, actively promote the rapid development of location-related distributed industries such as share travel, tourism, food delivery, express delivery, positional precision advertising, and behavioral credit finance, allowing the offline business to leap into an era of programmable business.

Consensus Map

In the world, there is 60% of the regions and 4 billion populations still unable to enjoy the same quality map services as the developed regions. The reason is that the scale of map data has traditionally relied heavily on global employment collection, which is a high cost that even Google can't afford.

The GoWithMi Consensus Map has taken a new approach creating the first series of “spatial consensus mechanism” that allow people in any corner of the world can jointly maintain a “world map data book” without any threshold. We through the exquisite design of the consensus game mechanisms such as POM (Proof of Mapping) and Spatial Bancor, subversively solve the core problems of map industry including cooperative production, auto supervision and value evaluation, breaking the boundaries of human labor organizations, allowing people to jointly build, maintain, and share a “world map” without any thresholds, and providing contributors with a fair return and let the people all over the world can enjoy the equal quality digital travel services.

The Component Platform

Decentralized Mapping

Through a series of spatial consensus mechanisms and protocols, GoWithMi drives real-world geospatial data to migrate to the blockchain world, producing global coverage, real-time updated, real and tamper-proof geospatial trusted data on the blockchain. Mainly includes:

Proof of Mapping(PoM)

GoWithMi abstracts data collection and production into a “space coordination game process”. Under the spatial coordination game mechanism, it coordinates the collection and verification of each participant through a series of token economic behaviors such as Token pledge, reward, gambling, and reward.

Spacial Bancor Protocol

GoWithMi correlates the single data value of the data collection and supply with the overall data scale requirement, using the Space Bancor Protocol to dynamically balance the data collection and supply and demand relationship between data collection and token rewards.

Decentralized Computing

GoWithMi innovates the world's first "spatial computing blockchain network Gaia" as the main blockchain network, creatively designed the "spatial double-chain double-sharding" structure. The main chain Gaia can realize storing full data on the chain, and considers the decentralization of the POW and the high efficiency of the EOS, providing application scenarios that have more dimensions than the IPFS, achieving equal rights mining of all objects and being able to resist "mining pool control". The Gaia main chain network mainly includes: (Gaia is the god of the earth in ancient Greek mythology, the mother of the gods, the first creation god born in chaos, and one of the original natural forces that can create life)

GeoMesh Sharding Based Data Structure Mechanism

GoWithMi starts from the lowest layer——the data layer of the technical architecture and reconstructs the location-based service technology architecture to make it compatible with the blockchain technology framework. It mainly deals with the full-scale data used by the traditional map service to conduct GeoMesh Sharding. The map data layer is deconstructed into the equally data network of GeoMesh by the traditional centralized data form. The GeoMesh block data size is adapted to the underlying point-to-point network protocol of the blockchain. The single GeoMesh is functionally decoupled and can provide full-featured location services independently. The parallelization can provide location-based services in various regions of the world.

Spatial Root Chain

GoWithMi has independently developed an automatic compilation engine for map data, which is the first in the world to realize the full automation of map data without any human intervention. Based on this technological breakthrough, the spatial root chain can achieve “map data production on the chain”. The spatial root chain uses the DPOS BFT (Pipelined Byzantine Fault Tolerance) consensus for super node synchronization. The spatial root chain focuses on the implementation of data consensus production smart contracts, the updating of spatial geographic data books, and the production and distribution of GeoMesh data.

Spatial Peer to Peer Computing Network

Each node of space peer-to-peer computing network synchronizes GeoMesh data according to the requirement of location-based service, and the newly generated GeoMesh data of the spatial root chain spread throughout the peer-to-peer computing network. Based on the parallel decoupling feature of Geo Mesh space, any device can cache one or more GeoMesh, so that the CPU, memory, hard disk and network of all objects can participate in spatial peer-to-peer computing mining, providing a complete spatial location-based service based on GeoMesh for the network and receive token bookkeeping income.

Spatial Multiparty Random Sharding Protocol

Original design "Spatial Multiparty Random Sharding Protocol", based on GeoMesh sharding rules, randomly connecting multiple nodes to form a "Sharding Chain" of a built-in spatial oracle, can perform blockchain bookkeeping and smart contract execution, and local service convergence. The spatial sharding mechanism enables block production to be carried out between massive equal rights nodes, thereby ensuring high performance of commercial-grade requirements and avoiding centralized defects like the EOS super-node method; and the introduction of the concept of "multiparty random", The difficulty of the attack is increased exponentially to achieve a "1% attack"

Decentralized Organizing

It mainly refers to the map data maintenance community with the spatial digital land rights as the core by anchoring the income of spatial digital land rights with the obligation of data maintenance. In the process of pursuing benefit maximization for community members such as landlords, miners, users, and merchants, global autonomy from on the chain to off the chain will achieve, promoting the two-way cycle and continuous development of GoWithMi's internal and external ecology.

Spatial Digital Land Rights(GoZone Assets)

GoWithMi divides the spatial assets of the digital world by anchoring the permanent land in real space. Specifically, based on spatial big data (spatial agglomeration algorithm, crowd cluster analysis, etc.), the global geospatial space is divided into independent functional areas, mainly residential districts, work districts, and consumption districts. GoZone is an independent digital space area that covers these functional areas, with scalable business value and highly centralized maintainability. GoZone's range of benefits is naturally clear and natural.

Spatial Digital Land Right(GoZone Rights)

The spatial digital land rights are the ownership of the GoWithMi spatial digital assets. The owner (landlord) is the main body of all the all profits in the GoZone area, and the smart contract directly distributes the generated income. GoZone benefits include intra-region map data call revenue, location advertising revenue, business search revenue, transaction commissions, business diversion sales dividend, GoZone appreciation gains, and more.

Decentralized Sharing

A one-stop solution for providing underlying spatial data, location-based services, spatial computing, location smart contracts, Token payments, etc. for GoWithMi's own ecosystem and global decentralized shared ecosystem, which can be widely used in local O2O services, shared economic services, car insurance based on usage, personal financial services, personal precise location advertising, internet of vehicles, map API, etc. actively promote the blockchain to serve the real economy, allow offline business to leap into the new era of programmable business.

GoWithMi Mobile App

The GoWithMi App acts as a mobile terminal for Gaia's main chain and map functions, integrating full-featured map services, Mapper tools, GMAT payments, GoZone management, transaction viewing, and power mining.


The API/SDK covers the complete functions of map location, search and query, route navigation, peripheral and traffic information search, spatial smart mining, etc. All data and services run on the decentralized chain network built by GoWithMi.

Super Spatial Oracle API/SDK

The super spatial oracle fully considers all decentralized business scenarios, based on GoWIthMi's trusted spatial data source and trusted spatial big data, providing a wide range of credible smart contract trigger combinations for the entire ecosystem, including but not limited to: trusted locations, electronic fences, spatial anti-cheating, trusted trajectories, spatial business smart, etc., upgrade the offline business ecosystem to a perfectly credible programmable business ecosystem.

Visual Location Smart Contract Template

Screening setting templates for local merchants based on smart contract trigger conditions of GoWithMi map service. The set trigger conditions include but are not limited to: location range, targeted location, target customer characteristics, time period, Coupon, etc. realize zero learning costs and quickly generate smart contracts, build a “smart business” that belongs to the merchants themselves, and maximize business benefits.

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About The GoWithMi Token

The GoWithMi ecological token name is “GoWithMi”, referred to as GMAT. GMAT is the digital crypto token of GoWithMi distributed smart map ecological public chain. The original form is Ethereum ERC-20 smart contract token, which will be one-to-one converted into GoWithMi network native crypto digital token after the main line of GoWithMi is launched.

Token Details

Ticker: GMAT

Platform: Ethereum

Token Type: ERC20

ICO Price: 1 GMAT = 0.006 USD

Available for sale: 2,980,000,000 GMAT (20%)


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Mar 2017: The project is launched.

May 2017: Indonesia's local operations team established.

Sep 2017: Indonesia's basic map data is completed.

Oct 2017: The mobile map beta version was launched online.

Jan 2018: Received millions of RMB angel round investment.

Apr 2018: Mobile Map Android 1.0 was launched online.

Jul 2018: Received 10 million-level PreA round funding.

Sep 2018: Token (GMAT) based on Ethereum ERC20 launched.

Dec 2018: Token Raising initiates, target is $4-$15 million.

Jul 2019: Southeast Asia full coverage.


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Oliver Li: Founder & CEO

Simon Ren: Co-founder & CTO

Marina Wei: Founding Partner & CMO

Yuanyuan Pan: Founding Partner & CPO

Iwan Sp: Founding Partner & COO in Indonesia

Charles Xue: Investor & Advisor


Jeff Flowers: Blockchain Advisor

Jerry Fuqua: Blockchain Advisor

Chuang Tao: Investor & Advisor

Congwu Cheng: Investor & Advisor

Lijie Wang: Investor & Advisor

Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

For more information, please visit:

Website: http://gowithmi.com/

Whitepaper: https://www.gowithmi.com/whitepaper/index.html

Telegram: https://t.me/gowithmi_en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gowithmi.global

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoWithMi_GL

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZna_eTs_eLBEjtvpTexMvw/featured

Other: https://github.com/GoWithMi

Download the application: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gowithmi.mapworld .

Download the application: https://itunes.apple.com/ng/app/gowithmi/id1294086705?mt=8

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Author: Cryptoholical

My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2487106

My Ethereum Address: 0xF3f7b9c45864006DBd1571De53d5847C0d11438c

Disclaimer: This article was published in terms of the bounty campaign. I am not a project team member or its representative but a supporter of this incredible project.

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