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5 лет назад

ArtCoin - Create a New Future For Art


Art has become a part of human life from pre-history to modern times. For example History of Stone Age Art (2.5 million-3,000 BCE), this proves that art has existed from antiquity and lived together with humans.

Human interest in art has shaped the art industry as we know it today. As the economist Clare McAndrew outlines in The Art Market | 2018, released Tuesday by UBS and Art Basel, the global art economy grew for the first time since 2014 with $63.7 billion in total global sales, a rise of 12% from 2016.

Even experts predict that the estimated value of online art market worldwide from 2013 to 2023. It was estimated that the global online art sales amount to approximately 4.22 billion U.S. dollars in 2017.

So you can imagine that the global art market is currently very potential and will continue to grow.

Introducing ArtCoin

ArtCoin is a platform that will change the art market to become more transparent and decentralized. The art world is traditionally anything but transparent, and that’s where ArtCoin, an investor-driven collective, creates real change for investors. Guiding users through transactions using cryptocurrencies, ArtCoin enables investors to benefit from the increased security and transparency of the Smart Contracts platforms. By pulling together information that everyday investors normally can’t access, ArtCoin democratizes the art market and acts as a direct liaison between investors and the art industry.

Speaking of security, ArtCoin uses blockchain technology, which has proven to be safe and can be implemented in any industry. Thanks to the unique fingerprint of each artwork, which is logged on the blockchain along with its provenance and history, the art industry now has an unprecedented level of transparency and safety.

Why Blockchain?

The blockchain is a database in a form of digital ledger. It includes a continuous growing list of data records that are chained together against version and tampering. Records are arranged in data batches called “blocks” and each blocks are connected to the previous one by hashing function, forming a chain of blocks that cannot be changed.

The blockchain technology can be practically applied to any industry. Agriculture, banking, healthcare, education, e-commerce, property, mining, retail, transport and logistics, media and entertainment, automotive- the list goes on. A thorough understanding of its implementation will yield the areas where it can be applied and in what way.

So that blockchain technology is very suitable to be implemented in the art industry which is very vulnerable to fraud and counterfeiting.

ArtCoin Technology

  • Robust Software Authenticates Images

Each artwork has a unique digital fingerprint, and by scanning and matching the finest textural details and storing it on the blockchain, ArtCoin software effectively renders the artwork unforgeable thanks to its unprecedented ability to pinpoint fakes, no matter how sophisticated.

  • Changing The Art Industry With Our Solutions

ArtCoin has implications that will reach all corners of the art industry. From individual collectors to large institutions, our authentication protocol is the perfect fit. Condition reports are simple and faster than ever before, and works can be tracked and traced with ease, functionalities that insurers and logistics companies can depend on. And individual artists are finally able to benefit financially from resales of their art.

  • A Platform That Supports Cataloguing And Transactions Via Blockchain

With ArtCoin technology, the art industry is more transparent than ever. ArtCoin platform, based on blockchain, is built on tamper-proof profiles of artworks cataloguing their provenance, history, and digital fingerprints. Top-level security standards are guaranteed, thanks to smart contracts and decentralization.

In Conclusion

ArtCoin valued service brings together the personal benefits of collecting art and the appreciation of value in an asset, key motivators to investing in artworks. ArtCoin aims to democratize access to the art market by providing low-threshold access to diverse investor groups, prompting international participation and ensuring anonymity. ArtCoin helps investors to store value in collectible assets. By removing all intermediaries, ArtCoin enables the investor to achieve a maximum appreciation of assets and conduct arbitrage.

Token Sales

Token Name: ARTCOIN
Token Symbol: ARS
Token Standard: ERC20
Jurisdiction: Zurich
Legal Qualification: Utility Token
Soft Cap: $5.0000.000 USD
HardCap: $100.000.000 USD
Number of tokens: 30,000, 000, 000
Price per token: $0.01
Acc Currency: ETH, USD, AND  BTC 
Minimum Contribution:  $10, 000  (Private) $250 (Public)

Buy Token Here: https://en.artcoin.ai/member


Website: https://artcoin.ai/
Whitepaper: -
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/artchain.ai20
Telegram: https://t.me/artcoinai
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArtcoinAI

Bitcointalk Username : Thymoty
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1072412

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