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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Tycoon is the only trade in the world.

Tycoon is 

 The only solution with default trading margin is very important for Pro Traders.
But this just started. Next, it came to a comprehensive profit sharing model that compensated Pro traders for their business. Existing and preferred trading platforms and start trading on other platforms there is a compensation model in place, the most won't invest their time.

And because Pro Traders move in significant numbers, it is very important for them that the platform is located in a country that has regulations. With Germany and their strict BAFIN regulations, there is no uncertainty. Finally you must have an open platform that can connect to the biggest exchange through the API.

That is another requirement that also helps save the time and whatever assets they use to trade. Only then will they consider moving to another platform. Because all the key elements that ProTraders are looking for are filled with Tycoons, it has the best chance of getting adoption worldwide. There is more key stops, but you probably already know now.

 Our approach is radically different compared to anything that is already being developed. 

Tycoon aims

 To be the most complete solution that meets their users' requests. Finally, we don't just create an attractive platform and it will be adopted based on the main features, we even take it one step further.

When interviewing hundreds of Pro Traders on the market, we are in the process of signing an agreement with one of the most influential traders in the Crypto Currency Market. We have never planned anything to happen by accident. This ensures the platform will have value from the first day of launch. Unlike other platforms that have been adopted, Tycoon has done their homework and has the best chance of truly succeeding on a global scale.

Join this revolution early and prepare for a significant and consistent achievements. Trade will get adoption throughout the world. There is more key stops, but you probably already know now. Our approach is radically different compared to anything that is already being developed.

C is challenging

When negative interest rates, good and professional investment opportunities are increasingly in demand than before. There are few options such as stocks, funds or real estate. Meanwhile, the option to invest in cryptocurrency is available.

Unlike the stock market, the cryptocurrency market is not saturated, which in theory allows a good rate of return. The stock market is dominated by large, many controlling events surrounding it, so making the market is very difficult for beginners - if not impossible. In addition, the stock market is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Another advantage of cryptocurrency, compared to some forms of traditional investment, is the lack of capital commitments. A platform that relates to cryptocurrency does not exist.

A comparable platform for clients to trust operators, because they have to transfer their capital to the operator or their platform first. Since then, some clients have lost control of the invested capital. On the contrary, Tycoon is fully autonomous. Because client capital remains their own, each user remains in full control at all times. In order to invest successfully, several obstacles need to be overcome.

Early access to the problem at hand is difficult for most people because technology is new and rather complicated. Characteristics of a traditional one-to-one way. This knowledge and demarcation of traditional views must be developed.

In addition, the right way to access cryptocurrency must be chosen because there are various options. After this first challenge is overcome, the real work begins: the act of trading.

Professional traders create graphs of analysis and study of market sentiment over a period of time and use whether they make sense of assets or sell assets. The process must be reviewed and adjusted regularly.

Professional traders also benefit from years of experience with financial products and thus avoid being guided by their emotions, but they are exclusive by their facts and in-depth knowledge.

King Peron

 The most significant features of the platform:

1. User 

There are several types of users on the platform: Followers, Traders, and Demo Users. The various types of users are explained briefly in the chapters below.

2: Followers 

Usually, followers are investors who don't have time to conduct complex market studies or new ones in trading. The goal of followers is to invest in the least amount of effort. Followers enter the suitable merchants platform based on their preferences and then copy their strategies. Traders are being followed for four weeks.

3. Merchants 

Traders are experienced investors and traders in financial markets. They are to maximize their profits, build a large group of followers and thus maximize their trading volume. These goals are achieved through successful trading and informative feedback.

4. Demo users 

Demo users are followers without real capital. They act like followers have no influence on the balance sheet of the traders they follow. This free mode demo is intended to help you understand the structure and function that can be activated or deactivated at any time. They act like followers but they have no balance sheets of traders they follow.

This free demo mode is intended

To help understand the structure and function of the platform, they have no influence on the balance sheet of the traders they follow. This free mode demo is intended to help you understand the structure and function that can be activated or deactivated at any time. 

Benefit recipients 

1. Optimal support in the selection of traders

2. Flexibility in following

3. Stop loss feature

Token Details

Name: Tycoon 


Blockchain: ERC-20 

Max supply: 140 million 

ICO price: $ 0.10 


A total of 140 million Tycoon Tokens (TYC) will be distributed. Tokens are developed based on Ethereum. Minimum compatibility with standard tokens is ERC-20 with expansion options.

Tokens will be distributed as follows: 

60%: Sales 

18%: Team 

14%: Partnership

5%: Bounty / Airdrop

3%: Advisor 

Sales Allocation

60% of the total tokens allocated for sales can be divided into private sales and crowdsale. Private sales make up a maximum of 90% of the sales share. Participating in personal sales requires purchase of a minimum of $ 1,000 worth of tokens. After concluding personal sales, the crowdsale starts, which amounts to at least 10% of the sales department. Prices per token are $ 0.07 for personal sales and $ 0.10 for crowdsale.

When completing profit sharing fees using Tycoon tokens, followers receive the following discounts: 

1. First year: 25%

2. second year: 15%

3. third year: 10%

Private Sales

 All purchases made during personal sales are available for sale as follows: 

20%: 1 month after the exchange list 

40%: after 3 months 

40%: after 3 months

Use of funds

30%: the funds collected will be used to build, expand and develop platforms. 

40%: will be used for marketing and branding to investors and other investors in Tycoon.

15%: will be reserved for legal purposes such as adaptation to international law or purchase of licenses. 

15%: serves as a backup to react to any challenge.


January - August 2018
Design ideaWake up heart

September 2018
Frontend DevelopmentBusiness identity

October 2018
Hackathon with heart development in Belgrad (Serbia)Starting 

October 2018
Platform Development

December 2018 - March 2019
Make it white

November 2018
Sold separately

The second half of 2019
Product launch - MVPCheck the public demo account

The second half of 2019

The second half of 2019
Platform Update - FinalTemporary list




Website: https://tycoon.io/

Whitepaper: https://www.tycoon.io/whitepaper.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tycoonio-1082428378632504/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tycoon.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tycoon

Telegram: https://t.me/Tycoon_Official

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tycoonio/about/

Github: https://github.com/tycoon

AnnThread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5165235/


Bitcointalk name: DEWI08

Telegram: @ dhewio8

Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

Address wallet (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

0.220 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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