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5 лет назад


The launch of the blockchain technology was received with kudos and knocks. While some bashed the launch of the network, others praised it for the potentials it has. Notwithstanding, it has gone on to become one of the revolutionary technologies of our time. Blockchain application is not just on the crypto-sphere where it is used to host cryptocurrency trading platforms. Instead, it has continued to gain traction in the real world. That informs the reason why many enterprises use it to host their projects.
Now, the SerenitySource has been launched on blockchain. The platform promises to use the distributed ledger of blockchain to bring lasting solutions to the fragments in the traditional power generation industry. This is indeed an interesting moment because end-user are set to enjoy uninterrupted power supply at affordable costs.
It is vital that we have a background of the problems that facilitated the invention of this amazing project. So, let’s look at the market challenges before considering the application of the Serenity blockchain to fill the loopholes.

Ideally, power or energy generation ought to be seamless. Recently, there have been calls from different quarters to look into the problems in the sector. Here are some of the issue that is ravaging the global power industry.
Over-Dependence on National Grids
One of the problems in the industry is interrupted power supply. That is facilitated by the overt dependence on the national grids. In that instance, electricity transmission tends to be limited or cut off outright in some locations. That is because of the sole medium of transmitting it.
Inability to Migrate to Renewable Energy
In consideration of the growing concerns in conventional settings, electricity operators then opted to look at another angle, which is renewable energy. This hasn’t paid off as expected because some are lost because of the inability of the traditional power sector to forge a connection between renewable and decentralization.
High Fees
Whether you’re using the traditional energy sourced from national grids or using the renewable variant, the fact remains that you tend to pay more. Most time, end-users re infuriated with the high costs of electricity without getting commensurate energy.
Monopoly by Electricity Operators
It is no news that electricity consumers have lost out in the equation. That informs the reason why they have little or no influence on the distribution of energy. Instead, electricity operators monopolize the whole affairs to their advantage. To that end, they control the entire system and decide on who gets what.

These are issues that have been around for a long time and haven’t show signals of going away anytime soon. The continuation of this doesn’t augur well for the global power industry. Therefore, it is essential that the stakeholders begin to look at the alternative, which is decentralization. It ensures transparency in all dealings and ensures that the interests of everyone are protected.

Interestingly, the necessary frameworks that would reinvent the global power sector are premised on SERENITY. Without much ado, we would now look at the potentialities of this project.

    As stated earlier, power/electricity consumers are no longer in control of the entire system. Since the electricity operators manipulated and took over the scene, it has been one problem or the other.
    Therefore, the first thing SERENITY did was to return control back to the users. It facilitated this through the decentralized format of the blockchain. Also, smart contract technology is there to regulate the system to ensure that none of the participants wields more power than necessary.

    Have you been struggling to pay your electricity bills? Worry no more because SERENITY ensures that you don’t pay more than required. It encourages this through the trading platform where users can bid and pay for renewable they can afford.

    Indeed, the connection to national grids tends to bring down the supply of energy. But we can’t o away with them immediately. Hence, this project opted to collaborate directly to the national electricity operators. Before doing that, it ensures that it gathered the relevant, such as the electricity needs of consumers. The data helps it to demand a sufficient amount of energy that would go round for the users.
    On the other hand, it embarked on the local production of energy. In that instance, users can depend on the locally-sourced renewable energy when the other from the national grid is not forthcoming.

    The varieties of features offered by this project take root on the blockchain. It’s worth mentioning that the use of the network is a targeted attempt at improving the global electricity/power industry. Ideally, the role of blockchain in the entire affairs is to cut off intermediaries and establish trust among the participants. Also, the network has the responsibility of delegating the smart contract to underwrite and execute deals on the platform.
    As stated by this project, it aims at bringing blockchain to the power sector. That move is not unconnected to the multifaceted nature of SERENITY that makes it robust for application in different scenarios.
    We would now proceed to highlight other important areas of this project. We would also look at the possible outcome of their applications, with respect to reinventing the power sector.


It’s important to point out that some of the problems encountered in the power sector are not limited to the operators. Sometimes, the end-users also have a role to play in the whole affair. For instance, some residential houses tend to consume more power than others do. That takes effect when some of these houses have higher output appliances or more facilities/electronics than the others do. The outcome of such is clear: such houses would consume more electricity.
As a measure to fix this, SERENITY adopted the Rapid Building System structure. That entails the reduction of electricity consumption. This is achievable Net-Zero platforms. It ensures that residential buildings that derive power/electricity through the platform would conform to the dictates of renewable energy consumption. By that, SERENITY aims at cutting down the overt consumption by 40%.

NET-ZERO BUILDINGS: (The Small-Scale Energy Generators)
SERENITY also created a means for end-users to create renewable energy. That is part of the drive to return power to consumers' hands.
In the initiative, we’re looking at the tendency of local households to generate power. Ideally, they would get organically fitted facilities that aid in the production of renewable energy. Aside from that, they would also get facilities for storing the generated power.
Now, each household that is thus empowered would be connected to the distribution grid. The move is part of the sharing economy that targets small-scale generation of power and the global redistribution of the same. In the distribution process, households that successfully utilized the facilities to generate renewable would be rewarded with Carbon Credits.
These gestures are delegated under the Net-Zero infrastructures, which empower every household to become a manufacturer of green energy. Besides, the move is feasible because the participants are now made to understand the importance of migrating to renewable energy.

Indeed, SERENITY wants to change the current state of affairs in the global energy industry. That doesn’t stop it from forging relevant technologies to improve the industry. Therefore, it has proceeded to create an enabling platform where all participants can interact, generate, and trade on renewable energy in a transparent manner.
One of the attributes of the platform is the development of an energy retailing platform on the blockchain. As a retailer or dealer on renewable, it ensures that participants use the Net-Zero building format to generate electricity in smaller measures. After that, the participants are encouraged to list their developed energy on the platform for buyers to purchase.
Hence, SERENITY becomes the force to reckon with in the production of renewable energy, especially in a decentralized manner.

The world has been inundated with news of the revolution in the electricity/power sector. The move is not unconnected to the massive proliferation of different kinds of renewable energies. The likes of nuclear and gas plants have been in dominance for some time. These are regarded as large-scale forms of producing renewable energy. They tend to be costly and are limited, as well. On the other hand SERENITY is leading the revolution that would enthrone maximum decentralization in renewable. Aside from the use of blockchain, the platform also implements smaller variations of generating renewable energy. Instead, we’re looking at the likes of solar and wind as the alternative.
In the same regard, it should be noted that the latter category (wind and solar) are not in any way, as challenging as the former. For instance, they are natural or local sources of energy. We don’t necessarily need to institute special plants to trap power from the sun or wind when they come around. Instead, the dedicated facilities issued by SERENITY are effective in getting them. So, you can delegate the same in your home to “trap energy” in preparation of selling them on the SERENITY trading platform.

The Harness of Energy Powered by Encrypted Kit (HEPEK) is the Internet of Things (IoT) that would be used by SERENITY to facilitate the harnessing, storage, and delegation of stored renewable for sale in the SERENITY marketplace.
The consistency of the SERENITY blockchain platform in bringing about long-lasting solutions to the fragmented energy/electricity industry is commendable. Therefore, it is expected that the end-users, including other participants, would rally around to make this dream come to life.

Empowering users to generate renewable energy on smaller scales is one part of SERENITY’s mission. Helping them to sell the same is another aspect. Hence, it uses the SERENITY P2P Energy Trading Platform to facilitate the sales of electricity over the blockchain. Under this circumstance, allows the participants (end-users and prosumers/power generators) to come together in the ecosystem to initiate sales.
On the one hand, it allows local renewable manufacturers to trade their surplus energy on the platform. These are gathered in the SERENITY pool. They are then given out on wholesale prices to interested buyers. At the end of the sales, the platform then proceeds to reward the generators/prosumers of the energy with the CARBON and ERGON tokens.
These gestures are part of the platform’s move to provide uninterrupted electricity supply to its users and the general populace.

Other features that make SERENITY one of the leading blockchain-based startup for energy retails are:
Cost-Effective Energy
Undoubtedly, consumers are looking for cheap energy. That is one of the reasons behind the recent moves to integrate more sources of renewable energy, which are reputed for their cost-effectiveness.
Notwithstanding the low costs attributed to wind and solar renewable, SERENITY still went on to bring down the costs to help it get to users. In that case, redistributes energy at near-wholesale prices. It doesn’t stop at that. The platform also took the notch higher by providing real-time pricing that empowers consumers to bid for renewable energy with any amount they can afford. The pricing is also made live and transparent to ensure that nobody is defrauded or shortchanged in the course of the transaction.


Information about the Token
Token Name: SERENITY
Ticker: SET
Token Standard: ERC-20
Platform: Ethereum
Role of Token: Utility
Token Supply: 500 million
Soft Cap: $5 million
Hard Cap: $20 million
Exchange Rate: 1 SET =$0.1
Country of Registration: Australia
Not Participating: Iraq, China, Syria, North Korea, Afghanistan, the United States

From the look of things, SERENITY should not be treated with kids’ gloves because the project is ready to take renewable energy to the next level. The demands of end-users/consumers are gradually shifting to an alternative source of energy (renewable) because of the problems in the current system. Hence, the offers made by SERENITY do not only have a ready market but also have the tendency to reinvent the global renewable industry for the better.
Above all, the robust architecture backed by the blockchain and the unique business models breeds transparency, low fees, and maximum security. Therefore, SERENITY is indeed one of the best energy retailers the blockchain has ever had.

Website: https://serenitysource.com.au/wp-new/
Whitepaper: https://serenitysource.com.au/assets/docs/SERENITY_WHITEPAPER.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5160209
Telegram: https://t.me/SerenityIEO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/serenitysource.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/serenity_source

Bitcointalk username- Uju4real
Bitcointalk profile link- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2202971

Eth wallet- 0x43aaDF3d5b44290385fe4193A1b13f15eF3A4FD5

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