Уважаемые пользователи Голос!
Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

ZAPPL #5 on CryptoFresh in volume on bitshares DEX!

ZAPPL with over $26,000 volume in the past 24 hours!

Zappl Is Over 71% Funded! by @zappl

We would like to inform everyone Zappl is now 71% funded. In the last 12 hours there has been an explosion of support from the community. It you guys have took it from 14% to 71% funding in 12 hours or so which is extremely amazing. ~ @zappl

Get your ZAPPL now before it gets Zapped out of the crowd sale!

You can go here to get a bitshares account if you don't have one already.

You can get ZAPPL with SBD here or get ZAPPL with bitUSD here.

18.283 GOLOS
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