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6 лет назад

Shivom - genetic database for helping people

 Every living creature on our planet is having special genetics code. Humans are also having that code – our DNA. DNA is unique for every individual, and in it is ‘written’ information about it, imagine it like a database for body specifications. There is one breakthrough – in this DNA can be found information about genetic diseases, problems with different substances and others, helping to diagnose and cure rare diseases and other health problems, before to even be noticed. Based on genes can be made drugs to help to specific individual’s needs. 

 These are a just a few use-cases of what Shivom intends to achieve with their offerings and solutions. The Shivom proposition is broken down in two parts;

1. Genomics for everybody

World-wide healthcare is expensive and genomics is affordable to a small fraction of the world population. Shivom intends to subsidize genomic testing and make it affordable to everyone including populations in 3rd world countries. Shivom will offer two affordable kits (EX & WGS) which can be delivered anywhere in the world. After providing a saliva sample the kit can be shipped back or Shivom can pick it. The genetic raw data is then uploaded in the user’s secure account after sequencing.

2. Open-source platform & Innovation Hub

The Shivom Open platform will enable different users to connect and develop apps via APIs. This will include public institutions e.g. governments, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, third-party apps developers and other health-care professionals. 

Genomics for everyone is the basis of the Shivom project, and one of the goals is to improve global health and as a concrete proof of the founder of Sally Eaves, Dr. Axel Schumacher and Gurish Singla visit rural communities in India to talk with locals about their health problems and opportunities when genetic engineering can make a difference.


 Shivom’s team is built from a lot of brilliant specialists with multinational origins. The founders are Dr. Axel Schumacher - CEO, Gourish Singla – COO, Sally Eaves – CMO, Per Lind – CSO and Akash Gaurav – CTO. They all are very good and experienced specialists in their areas. A lot of the team members are coming from scientific circles - with a lot of experience and knowledge, IT communities – able to create the state of art platform that is Shivom, or from business and marketing spheres – to help making the best possible resource distribution and create revenue. Big part is having the Shivom Innovational Consul. Overall Shivom’s team is looking amazing and can create that amazing platform for everyone’s good. 

 For more information
 Website: https://shivom.io
Whitepaper: https://shivom.io/documents.html
Telegram: https://t.me/projshivom
Twitter: https://twitter.com/projectshivom 

My profile link:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1636284 

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