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5 лет назад

Confidential Ecosystem of Barter Trading on Blockchain


Barter Smartplace is a confidential digital asset exchange platform based on a legal smart contract. In addition, but as the main element of the platform ecosystem, a service of tokenization of a real valuable asset is provided, which can then be placed on the smartplace. Digital assets lowered the barrier of trust, increase the privacy of the parties to the transaction and the speed of its execution. Legal smart contract with electronic signature allows achieving high reliability and convenience of the service.
Smart contracts in the financial sector have shown their advantage in comparison with traditional methods of value transfer, but so far have not been widely used in the legal industry.
Barter is looking ahead and expanding the use of smart contracts in the legal field, using digital assets as contract objects. By combining digital assets of different standards in one ecosystem, it is possible to exchange them with each other instantly and almost free of charge, having received this legal contract for the transaction with a record in the data register with a copy of the digital form of the contract.
Smartplace is a trading order platform in the Barter ecosystem. An order that includes one or more items of uniform quality, items, and sets is called a lot. The lot can also include heterogeneous assets, for example, it is possible to place a car and real estate in one lot. Each order and lot is assigned a sequence number (ID) and a price is set. The value of the lot displays the total value of the assets included in it.
by Ethereum — foundation of Barter platform design. Provides lightning transaction speed.
will provide support for a new type of trading — barter trades. Facilitates interaction between tokens standard ERC-721 and ERC-20.
ensures confidentiality of personal data of parties to transaction and other important computation.
Attracted funding from stakeholders in the development of the Barter platform will be aimed at the development of the blockchain platform, smartplace applications and maintaining their performance. Startups in the crypto-currency industry face legal problems, so Barter has its own legal consultants to solve such issues and additionally seeks professional help from other international lawyers.
Today, any project and product at the first stage of launch needs a strong marketing strategy to become recognizable in the market and attract potential users. Barter:
smartplace is positioned as an international project. It is planned that the marketing and promotion of the product will initially be aimed at expanding the community and increasing the potential user base of the application.
The parameters of the distribution of funds are divided into three groups in accordance with the stage of token distribution, the calculations are given in USD for ease of perception:
Pre-Sale –it is planned to raise $20,000 in order to realize the following goals:
Website and personal account of the investor
Smart-contract ICO development
Contract code audit
Development of UX interface of the application
Expansion of the community
ICO –at the second stage of financing, it is planned to raise $300,000 to prepare the product for the initial exchange offer, the distribution will be made in the following areas:
Marketing 30%
Product development and MVP 40%
Legal advice 20%
Organizational costs 10%
IEO –the third stage of fundraising. The funds received will be used for development of the project and the achievement of control points on the roadmap. The emphasis will be placed on the development of partnerships, strengthening the security of the blockchain ecosystem, product development and expanding the use of the platform.
Strategy –First of all, Barter focuses on attracting the attention of a large number of potential users and participants of the ecosystem. Now the platform is developing at the expense of stakeholders in the development of the ecosystem at an early stage with the further release of the BRTR token on the cryptomarket. We can say that now the development takes place on the principle of DAO.
All participants of primary financing before IEO will be included in white list of participation at IEO, it guarantees 100% place in market with high demand.
Participants pre-sale have right to sell tokens on IEO immediately in fact listing. Participants ICO have right to sell 50% tokens on IEO immediately in fact listing.
Token Details
Token type: ERC-20
Tiker: BRTR
Blockchain consensus: D-PoS
Token price:
pre-sale: $0,01
ICO: $0,06
IEO: $0,3
Token Distribution
Team: 10%
IEO: 10%
Reserve: 35%
Staking: 32,5%
Pre-sale: 2%
Partnership: 5%
ICO: 5%
Bounty: 0,5%
Project idea, market Analytics, conception descriptiont of the OTC-platform and product interface.
A minimum team has been formed to prepare for the seed stage of investment, presentation, writing primary documentation about the product, development of marketing strategy.
Attracting investments, expanding team, developing a minimum viable product (MVP), updating and supplementing product documentation in several languages (White Paper, Token Economy, One Page, Presentation), minimal marketing on target sites.
Launch of MVP, marketing, receiving feedback from potential users on the product, launch of crowdsale smart-contract, code audit, investor’s account on the project website, preparation for the initial exchange offer (IEO).
Develop a core product, increased marketing, Initial Exchange Offering of token Barter platform at top-cryptocurrency exchanges to attract additional investments ($3 million).
Launch of the beta version of Barter: Smartplace and blockchain test-net token platform (payment system), new partners to expand the ecosystem, integration with banking institutions (API) and registers of owners of real and movable assets.
over-the-counter and barter transactions on Barter: Smartplace by strategic partners and banks, launch of the interbank Lightning payment system (beta), preparation for the launch of main-net platform, expansion of product line, integration of the platform into interbank operations at international level.

For More Information Click Link Bellow:
Website: http://barter.company/
Whitepaper: http://barter.company/pdf/BARTER_WP1.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/barterteam
Medium: https://medium.com/bartersmartplace
Twitter: https://twitter.com/barterteam

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